[Tickets #12970] Re: Problems with S/MIME messages when sent to or received from a BlackBerry 10 device using BES

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sun Oct 26 15:22:16 UTC 2014


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12970
  Ticket             | 12970
  Updated By         | software-horde at interfasys.ch
  Summary            | Problems with S/MIME messages when sent to or received
                     | from a BlackBerry 10 device using BES
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

software-horde at interfasys.ch (2014-10-26 15:22) wrote:

> What do you mean "with mimesupport set at 1 or 2"? This is not a  
> configurable value. It comes from the client and it indicates what  
> the client is able to understand, or what it is expecting to be  
> returned. Changing it on the server side after the client sends it  
> leads to undefined behavior because the device is not longer  
> receiving what it is expecting in return.

I set it manually to see what the client would say. Based on my  
comment #32, the client supports type 1. It's defined at provisioning  
time or when adding a collection.
I've verified that the client never sets it in itemoperations for  
unencrypted messages and I think it's normal, as it's an optional  
element, unless the client is fetching a S/MIME message. For an  
encrypted message, there is no itemoperations command being sent when  
receiving the message

> Wait, I'm confused now. You said earlier that the MessageClass was   
> always being set to IPM.Note, and NOT IPM.Note.SMIME. Below, it   
> clearly shows that it IS set correctly.

That's when I manually enable a mimetype. I did it to check what would  
happen later on in the chain if given the mimetype I think it expects.

> This means that the client is NOT requesting the MIME data. You will  
>  never get the full MIME message as long as the client is sending   

The client is not sending mimesupport of 0. Horde is using the default  
value because it could not find it in the request, but a value of 1  
has been sent when adding the collection via a sync command and I  
think that it's the value which should be used since the client is not  
sending an updated value of 0 per example.

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