[Tickets #13730] Re: Implementation of peer verification in TLS connections

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Dec 8 09:15:47 UTC 2014


Ticket-URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13730
  Ticket           | 13730
  Aktualisiert Von | m_horde at secure.mailbox.org
  Zusammenfassung  | Implementation of peer verification in TLS connections
  Warteschlange    | Horde Framework Packages
  Typ              | Enhancement
  Status           | New
  Priorität        | 1. Low
  Milestone        |
  Patch            | 1
  Zuständige       |

m_horde at secure.mailbox.org (2014-12-08 09:15) hat geschrieben:

I see the point that an independent library must not rely on horde's  
configuration. However, I see no point in storing the same information  
multiple times. As long as the Socket Client library is used within  
horde, horde's configuration will be available. Therefore this  
information should be used if its available.

For those who do not want to store the information for peer  
verification globally or those who use the library idependently from  
horde, I implemented the possibility to override the information in  

=== How does it work? ===
There is a new parameter named $tls_params. As far as I can see there  
is no use for $params, but since I am not familiar with horde's code I  
avoided to use it. $tls_params may be used to override the parameters  
from $GLOBALS['conf']['openssl']. Whene $tls_params['source'] is set  
to 'override', $GLOBALS will not be used in any case, even if no other  
values in $tls_params are given. Otherwise every given configuration  
will be used, whereas $tls_params overrules $GLOBALS.

=== Benefits ===
The global configuration will be used if it is available. If it is not  
available or the peer verification is not configured the libraray  
works as before, which means the peers will not be verified. $GLOBALS  
can be overwritten or disabled by $tls_params.

=== Regressions ===
The library will not change in behavior until a deliberate change by  
an admin running the horde installation is made. As long as the peer  
verification is not enabled globally and $tls_params is not set during  
instantiation of a client object, the peer verification will be  
disabled as it was until now. So, there should be no regressions.

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