[Tickets #13825] Re: Remi PHP update to 5.5.21-1 results in constant resyncing
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noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Feb 9 17:21:26 UTC 2015
Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13825
Ticket | 13825
Updated By | adorman at ironicdesign.com
Summary | Remi PHP update to 5.5.21-1 results in constant
| resyncing
Queue | Synchronization
Version | FRAMEWORK_5_2
Type | Bug
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners | Michael Rubinsky
adorman at ironicdesign.com (2015-02-09 17:21) wrote:
I have run into what appears to be a similar problem with an upgrade
to PHP 5.6.5 (Debian apparently skipped 5.5.21)
According to our IMAP debug log, Horde is sending the following LIST
command to Cyrus with the response as shown here:
C: 6 LIST () "" (INBOX * "Other Users/*""" "Shared Folders/*""")
S: 6 BAD Invalid syntax in List command
I did some manual IMAP testing and determined that the problem is that
the LIST command needs a space between the mailbox name like "Other
Users/*" and the reference name "pattern", in this case "".
In a manual test using openssl to interact with our IMAP server, the
LIST command below works fine and the only difference is the space
after the mailbox name:
LIST () "" (INBOX * "Other Users/*" "" "Shared Folders/*" "") RETURN
Apparently whatever PHP function being used to build the command
string is no longer adding a space delimiter when adding the empty "".
I would be happy to test a fix if someone could let me know where the
command string is being assembled. I have been walking through the
code in Horde/Imap/Client/ for several hours now and have not been
able to determine where or how to add that needed space.
Thank you
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