[Tickets #13863] Alot of Unconfirmed synckeys, but handling a short request. Request full SYNC in ActiveSync log.

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Feb 16 16:22:56 UTC 2015


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13863
  Ticket             | 13863
  Created By         | horde at vdorst.com
  Summary            | Alot of Unconfirmed synckeys, but handling a short
                     | request. Request full SYNC in ActiveSync log.
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

horde at vdorst.com (2015-02-16 16:22) wrote:

I have some problems with calender syncing.
So I enabled device debugging.
Now I do see alot of warning. "Unconfirmed synckeys, but handling a  
short request. Request full SYNC."

2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Handling SYNC command.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Checking policykey for device:  
<remove ID> user: rene
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Policykey: 0 verified.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Empty Sync request, taking  
info from SyncCache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded INBOX from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Calendar:hgxdzuz-XPom8yhOeURJnA1 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Contacts:oQ6kX5jvIhkJaOy_EHG-JA3 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded Sent from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded Drafts from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Notes:GKp8fbDcaGgcIUR3SldVQg9 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Tasks:iuJBogrdIt-1yOo6lXm_CQ4 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Calendar:v4hgzVaf8IWNyO1pKFiY_A1 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Calendar:HFaTSUCiz9Hju2o_pz1a9g4 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Contacts:U79uuXHYlp-1vw29OpHRpQ6 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Notes:KefvNWe2fgHclgbUwShZUQ1 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded  
Tasks:J28NOOOTJ5KTUeFSRT77Sg7 from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded shared/samen from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Loaded Linux Server from the cache.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 WARN: [14562] Unconfirmed synckeys, but  
handling a short request. Request full SYNC.
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 DEBUG: [14562] O  <Synchronize>
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 DEBUG: [14562] O   <Status>
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 DEBUG: [14562] O    13
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 DEBUG: [14562] O   </Status>
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 DEBUG: [14562] O  </Synchronize>
2015-02-16T17:13:51+01:00 INFO: [14562] Maximum memory usage for  
ActiveSync request: 9877088 bytes.

I am not sure if they are related.

For example if I add a new appointment on kronolith.
Then hit sync on my Blackberry Z10.
I don't get the new appointment.
I do have too full resync to get the new appointment.

PEAR Version: 1.9.5
PHP Version: 5.5.12-2ubuntu4.1
Zend Engine Version: 2.5.0
Running on: Linux Thirsty 3.16.0-30-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 12  
22:06:37 UTC 2015 x86_64

Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package          Version State
Archive_Tar      1.3.13  stable
Auth_SASL        1.0.6   stable
Cache            1.5.6   stable
Console_Getopt   1.3.1   stable
Console_Table    1.2.1   stable
DB               1.8.2   stable
Date             1.4.7   stable
File_Find        1.3.3   stable
File_Fstab       2.0.3   stable
HTTP_Request     1.4.4   stable
Net_DNS2         1.4.0   stable
Net_FTP          1.3.7   stable
Net_IMAP         1.1.3   stable
Net_SMTP         1.6.2   stable
Net_Sieve        1.3.4   stable
Net_Socket       1.0.14  stable
Net_URL          1.0.15  stable
PEAR             1.9.5   stable
Services_Weather 1.4.7   stable
Structures_Graph 1.0.4   stable
Text_CAPTCHA     1.0.2   stable
Text_Figlet      1.0.2   stable
Text_Password    1.1.1   stable
XML_Parser       1.3.4   stable
XML_SVG          1.1.0   stable
XML_Util         1.2.3   stable

Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
Package                      Version State
Horde_ActiveSync             2.24.1  stable
Horde_Alarm                  2.2.4   stable
Horde_Argv                   2.0.10  stable
Horde_Auth                   2.1.6   stable
Horde_Autoloader             2.1.0   stable
Horde_Browser                2.0.8   stable
Horde_Cache                  2.5.0   stable
Horde_Cli                    2.0.6   stable
Horde_Compress               2.1.0   stable
Horde_Compress_Fast          1.1.0   stable
Horde_Constraint             2.0.2   stable
Horde_Controller             2.0.2   stable
Horde_Core                   2.19.0  stable
Horde_Crypt                  2.5.3   stable
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish         1.0.3   stable
Horde_CssMinify              1.0.2   stable
Horde_Css_Parser             1.0.6   stable
Horde_Data                   2.1.1   stable
Horde_Date                   2.0.13  stable
Horde_Date_Parser            2.0.3   stable
Horde_Dav                    1.1.2   stable
Horde_Db                     2.2.2   stable
Horde_Editor                 2.0.4   stable
Horde_ElasticSearch          1.0.3   stable
Horde_Exception              2.0.5   stable
Horde_Feed                   2.0.3   stable
Horde_Form                   2.0.9   stable
Horde_Group                  2.0.4   stable
Horde_HashTable              1.2.2   stable
Horde_History                2.3.3   stable
Horde_Http                   2.1.3   stable
Horde_Icalendar              2.0.10  stable
Horde_Idna                   1.0.1   stable
Horde_Image                  2.2.0   stable
Horde_Imap_Client            2.26.1  stable
Horde_Imsp                   2.0.6   stable
Horde_Injector               2.0.4   stable
Horde_Itip                   2.0.7   stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify       1.1.2   stable
Horde_JavascriptMinify_Jsmin 1.0.1   stable
Horde_Kolab_Format           2.0.6   stable
Horde_Kolab_Server           2.0.3   stable
Horde_Kolab_Session          2.0.2   stable
Horde_Kolab_Storage          2.1.2   stable
Horde_Ldap                   2.3.1   stable
Horde_ListHeaders            1.2.1   stable
Horde_Lock                   2.1.1   stable
Horde_Log                    2.1.1   stable
Horde_LoginTasks             2.0.4   stable
Horde_Mail                   2.5.1   stable
Horde_Mail_Autoconfig        1.0.2   stable
Horde_Mapi                   1.0.4   stable
Horde_Memcache               2.0.7   stable
Horde_Mime                   2.7.0   stable
Horde_Mime_Viewer            2.0.8   stable
Horde_Nls                    2.0.5   stable
Horde_Notification           2.0.2   stable
Horde_Oauth                  2.0.2   stable
Horde_OpenXchange            1.0.0   stable
Horde_Pack                   1.0.5   stable
Horde_Pdf                    2.0.4   stable
Horde_Perms                  2.1.3   stable
Horde_Prefs                  2.7.2   stable
Horde_Queue                  1.1.2   stable
Horde_Rdo                    2.0.3   stable
Horde_Role                   1.0.1   stable
Horde_Routes                 2.0.3   stable
Horde_Rpc                    2.1.3   stable
Horde_Scribe                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Secret                 2.0.4   stable
Horde_Serialize              2.0.3   stable
Horde_Service_Facebook       2.0.7   stable
Horde_Service_Gravatar       1.0.0   stable
Horde_Service_Twitter        2.1.2   stable
Horde_Service_Weather        2.1.5   stable
Horde_SessionHandler         2.2.4   stable
Horde_Share                  2.0.6   stable
Horde_Smtp                   1.8.0   stable
Horde_Socket_Client          1.1.2   stable
Horde_SpellChecker           2.1.2   stable
Horde_Stream                 1.6.2   stable
Horde_Stream_Filter          2.0.3   stable
Horde_Stream_Wrapper         2.1.2   stable
Horde_Support                2.1.2   stable
Horde_SyncMl                 2.0.5   stable
Horde_Template               2.0.2   stable
Horde_Test                   2.5.0   stable
Horde_Text_Diff              2.1.1   stable
Horde_Text_Filter            2.2.2   stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Jsmin      1.0.1   stable
Horde_Text_Flowed            2.0.2   stable
Horde_Thrift                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Timezone               1.0.9   stable
Horde_Token                  2.0.6   stable
Horde_Translation            2.2.0   stable
Horde_Tree                   2.0.3   stable
Horde_Url                    2.2.4   stable
Horde_Util                   2.5.3   stable
Horde_Vfs                    2.2.2   stable
Horde_View                   2.0.4   stable
Horde_Xml_Element            2.0.2   stable
Horde_Xml_Wbxml              2.0.2   stable
content                      2.0.4   stable
gollem                       3.0.3   stable
horde                        5.2.4   stable
horde_lz4                    1.0.7   stable
imp                          6.2.7   stable
ingo                         3.2.4   stable
kronolith                    4.2.5   stable
mnemo                        4.2.5   stable
nag                          4.2.4   stable
timeobjects                  2.1.0   stable
trean                        1.1.1   stable
turba                        4.2.5   stable
webmail                      5.2.5   stable

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