[Tickets #13868] Re: Changes made in kronolith are not send to AS devices.

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Feb 19 21:31:15 UTC 2015


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13868
  Ticket             | 13868
  Updated By         | horde at vdorst.com
  Summary            | Changes made in kronolith are not send to AS devices.
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

horde at vdorst.com (2015-02-19 21:31) wrote:

> I am unable to reproduce this. All of my test clients work as  
> expected. There was a minor issue with detecting changes in the  
> "filtertype" (the setting that determines how long back to sync  
> items), but this did not/does not affect the picking up of *new*  
> calendar entries.
> I would check that:
> 1) Your client supports multiple calendar collections (I know that  
> Nine does).
> 2) You have enabled multiple calendar sync support in Kronolith.
> 3) You actually have selected the calendar to synchronize in Kronolith.
> 4) Verify the calendars appear on the device.

1,2,3,4> It did work around 3 weeks ago. I noticed that some of my  
appointemt were missing on my devices. But I can't see what is wrong.  
I did a fresh server install and used the old config.
Yes I can see all the calenders on my devices as a separate calender  
with the names (rene, lisa and samen) and appointment.
If I do a full resync on my blackberry device (simply disable and  
re-enable calender sync) I get all appointments.

> 5) Any events you are attempting to edit/create fall withing the  
> time frame of what the client is configured to synchronize.

After a full resync, I expend no problems.

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