[Tickets #13875] Free/Busy URL Can't work with multiples email per contact

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Feb 20 17:16:30 UTC 2015


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13875
  Ticket             | 13875
  Created By         | krasz at unicamp.br
  Summary            | Free/Busy URL Can't work with multiples email per
                     | contact
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | 4.2.4
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

krasz at unicamp.br (2015-02-20 17:16) wrote:


I'm having a problem with Free/Busy Url in Kronolith app.

When I started to set up the Turba app, I realized that it had only  
enabled an email field per contact (I'm using localsql backend). After  
I'm making some research, I discovered how to enabled more emails per  
contact. I enabled the option "Allow-Multi = true" in mail attribute  
on /horde/turba/config/attributes.php. (Figure 1)

After that, I started my test.

I created a contact with one email and I set him with your Free/Busy  
URL. When I create an event, and added the contact in "attendees", the  
kronolith return correctly Free/Busy Information. (Figure 2)

Again I created another contact, but this time I added two emails  
(Separeted by comma) in email field and I set the same Free/Busy URL  
for this contact. When I created an event, and added the contact in  
"attendees"(using any email from this contact), the kronolith can't  
return de Free/Busy Information. (Figure 3)

Faced with this problem, I enabled "debug"  the Horde to see what  
happened when I added these contacts, I realized then (following the  
debug attached) The Kronolith execute a sql string ("Select") in table  
(Turba_Objects) to search the email. Knowing that I checked the table  
and it stores all emails contacts in the same field (object_email)  
(separeted by comma). The sql string can't find the email.

My suggestion to fix this bug is add to SQL String the "Like"  
operator, following the example below

SELECT * from Turba_Objects WHERE (object_email LIKE  
'%gabrielkras at hotmail.com%' AND owner_id = 'krasz')

I hope you can help me.

Sorry for my bad English :(

Best Regards
Gabriel Kraszczuk

krasz at unicamp.br (2015-02-20 17:16) uploaded: Figures and Debug.zip


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