[Tickets #14072] Re: Kronolith IMP invite actions not availble in IMP

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Jul 30 16:25:01 UTC 2015


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14072
  Ticket             | 14072
  Updated By         | severin1 at umbc.edu
  Summary            | Kronolith IMP invite actions not availble in IMP
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | RELENG_1
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

severin1 at umbc.edu (2015-07-30 16:25) wrote:

> ...and what version of Horde/IMP are you using since you have chosen  
> an ancient version when you created the ticket.

I'm using Horde 3.3.11, IMP 4.3.9, Kronolith 2.3.6

I'll quote the explanation from http://wiki.horde.org/KronolithModule  
to clear up any confusion.

You may receive an email requesting a meeting. If you are using IMP,  
you will see an Actions heading. In the dropdown menu you are able to  
do the following:

Accept and add to my calendar will email the sender that you have  
accepted the meeting and add the event to your calendar
Add to my calendar will add the event to your calendar
Accept Request will email the sender that you accepted the request
Tentatively Accept request will email the sender that you tentatively  
accepted the request
Deny request (I dont know. Please test and revise here)
If you do not use IMP, your email will contain three links:

Accept the event will email the sender that you accept
NOTE: This will not add the event to your calendar.
To accept the event tentatively will email the sender that you  
tentatively accept
Decline the event will email the sender that you decline

I'm using IMP, but I get the second set of actions instead of the  
first one. Is there something to do with the config file to fix this?  
Or is there something else that needs to be done to be able to use the  
first set of actions?

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