[Tickets #14177] Re: ActiveSync SQL error

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Dec 3 15:11:35 UTC 2015


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14177
  Ticket             | 14177
  Updated By         | o+horde at immerda.ch
  Summary            | ActiveSync SQL error
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

o+horde at immerda.ch (2015-12-03 15:11) wrote:

> The SQL error is a side effect of the WBXML protocol error that is  
> listed first in the trace.

I think the ActiveSync part is a red herring and its rather a  
kronolith issue. At least I see the same issue arise on our hosts  
which do not get any ActiveSync traffic at all.

I found out that every run of the horde-alarms cron job triggers the  
error too. Unfortunately even full debug level does not yield a better  

Additionally I found out that the last entry before the error occurs  
is the query for the last share in "SELECT * FROM kronolith_sharesng  
ORDER BY share_name ASC" (which according to the debug log seems to be  
query used by horde-alarms to get the list of shares).

On the other hand the number of 'select .... from kronolith_events  
...' queries does not match the number of entries in  
kronolith_sharesng, but maybe that's ok, since there seem to be  
duplicate names with different flags (from the migration from old  
style per-user calendar entries, it seems).

Any other things I could try?

For reference the error with full debug on looks like this:

2015-12-03T15:33:31+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE [kronolith] SQL
         SELECT event_id, event_uid, event_description, event_location,
           event_private, event_status, event_attendees, event_title,
           event_recurcount, event_url, event_timezone, event_recurtype,
           event_recurenddate, event_recurinterval, event_recurdays,  
           event_end, event_allday, event_alarm, event_alarm_methods,
           event_modified, event_exceptions, event_creator_id, event_resources,
           event_baseid, event_exceptionoriginaldate FROM  
kronolith_events WHERE
           calendar_id = 0 AND event_alarm > 0 AND ((event_end >= '2015-12-02
           23:00:00') OR (event_recurenddate >= '2015-12-02 23:00:00' AND
           event_recurtype <> 0)) [pid 31771 on line 233 of  
2015-12-03T15:33:31+01:00 ERR: HORDE [kronolith] SQL QUERY FAILED:  
SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR:  operator does not  
exist: character varying = integer
LINE 1: ...ginaldate FROM kronolith_events WHERE calendar_id = 0 AND ev...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You  
might need to add explicit type casts.
         SELECT event_id, event_uid, event_description, event_location,
           event_private, event_status, event_attendees, event_title,
           event_recurcount, event_url, event_timezone, event_recurtype,
           event_recurenddate, event_recurinterval, event_recurdays,  
           event_end, event_allday, event_alarm, event_alarm_methods,
           event_modified, event_exceptions, event_creator_id, event_resources,
           event_baseid, event_exceptionoriginaldate FROM  
kronolith_events WHERE
           calendar_id = 0 AND event_alarm > 0 AND ((event_end >= '2015-12-02
           23:00:00') OR (event_recurenddate >= '2015-12-02 23:00:00' AND
           event_recurtype <> 0)) [pid 31771 on line 234 of  
2015-12-03T15:33:31+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] SQL  (0.0095s)
         SELECT alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
           alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text, alarm_snooze, alarm_internal
           FROM horde_alarms WHERE alarm_dismissed = 0 AND  
((alarm_snooze IS NULL
           AND alarm_start <= '2015-12-03 14:33:19') OR alarm_snooze <=
           '2015-12-03 14:33:19') AND (alarm_end IS NULL OR alarm_end >=
           '2015-12-03 14:33:19') ORDER BY alarm_start, alarm_end [pid  
31771 on line 238 of "pear/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php"]
2015-12-03T15:33:31+01:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Max memory usage:  
37486592 bytes [pid 31771 on line 609 of "pear/php/Horde/Registry.php"]

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