[Tickets #14267] Re: Forward / Reply / New message results in popup "Loading..."

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Mar 14 19:27:37 UTC 2016


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14267
  Ticket             | 14267
  Updated By         | horde-support at inetspec.com
  Summary            | Forward / Reply / New message results in popup
                     | "Loading..."
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 6.2.12
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

horde-support at inetspec.com (2016-03-14 19:27) wrote:

> Because this is the first time this has been reported and that code  
> has been in place for years.

Interesting, not sure why you think that, here is a list,
other than this one, newest to oldest:

> Well, did you actually test that the event handler that is being  
> attached in that line actually works correctly and catches the  
> events it is inteded to or are you just stating that after the page  
> loaded there were no errors?

No, and I did not actually elude to the fact that there were no further
errors.  I only stated that the compose window did load and was able to
send a message by allowing the code to believe that it was serving to a
browser other than IE.

Honestly, I am not even sure what events that I should be checking for
other than the ability to avoid a fatal error.  Care to clue me in what
you are looking for here?  Hovers, email lookups, drag and drop, what?

> No one is choosing not to fix anything, but rather haven't yet  
> determined what needs fixing and the best way to fix it so as to not  
> introduce a regression for any other browsers.

Understood.  Since we have ruled out caching and IE versions, then we
should look elsewhere.  I would suggest looking at the DOM structure as
well as the library versions from PEAR.

Can you provide a text/html of a working New Message window popup that
I can check against the window popup content on my side?

Can you provide a PEAR list of libraries w/ versions on the server that
you are using so that I can also compare against our installation?

> Since we cannot reproduce this on our side we need more information.  
> As you state, many people use IE and so far this is the one and only  
> report of this.

See above.

> Additionally, I have also tested this on IE 11.0.9600.17351 - with  
> the same results.

Well that is good to know.  I have actually seen the same problem on
other different platforms since the original post and am not convinced
the problem is limited to IE at all.

It seems to me that with the number of un-resolved reports of similar
problems and the consistency of the errors in specific installations
that, the problem may actually be related to:

1. an un-documented dependency in a PEAR library, or
2. an un-tested dependency for a later version of a PEAR library

It may even be something that has developed over a period of time as
browsers have evolved to treat various DOMs differently.

I have looked at the installation logs from the server that we are
using on this installation.  I do not see any 'required' libraries
missing and there are no complaints about versioning that I can see.

With specific regard to IE11, it looks much more like Mozilla than it
does the old IE.  Similarly with Edge, it looks much more like
WebKit than it does anything else.  Therefore, in those two cases,
the calls that are more appropriate for more modern browsers would
make more sense than the calls for say, IE7 or IE8.

Furthermore, it may actually be the DOM structure that is confusing
the browser on the client side, and there are many factors that
adjust and change that structure for the dynamic views, especially
when the dependencies on various PEAR libraries are taken into

If we can identify where the base problem is introduced and find an
applicable solution, we will probably solve all of the outstanding
tickets related to this compose window popup problem.

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