[Tickets #14353] Re: Shared calendar are truncating Description tab (only shows up 256 characters)
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noreply at bugs.horde.org
Wed May 4 17:47:43 UTC 2016
Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14353
Ticket | 14353
Updated By | albert.solana at upcnet.es
Summary | Shared calendar are truncating Description tab (only
| shows up 256 characters)
Queue | Kronolith
Version | 4.2.11
Type | Bug
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners | Michael Rubinsky, Horde Developers
albert.solana at upcnet.es (2016-05-04 17:47) wrote:
> I will assume you are using SQL for the share system?
Yes, we are using a MySQL database
>> UserA creates CalendarA, its Description tab has more than 256
>> characters, then CalendarA is shared with several other users, i.e.
>> userB.
> This is because the database schema limits the description field to 256.
>> CalendarA retains the complete Description when it's saved.
> Not sure how this is happening, it should be truncated on the
> original save as well.
I've checked again this issue.
I've seen that Agenda Description shows more than 256 characters while
user don't logout, perhaps full description remains in a internal
variable without the 256 char restriction.
But after you do logout, you will see only 256 characters on next
login, so it's limited in SQL database as you has explained.
This weird effect provokes that users complain because they doesn't
notice that saved description is truncated until next login.
> We will need to change the schema for the description field, but
> this will probably have to wait until Horde 6 since there are
> already new migrations added for Kronolith unless another developer
> has an idea on how to add a ".5" migration...
We would appreciate that you could increase the 256 characters limit
on description tab in next versions.
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