[Tickets #14415] Adding an external email address to a shared Horde calendar, wipes all other already added accounts (after the external one was just added)

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu Jun 30 15:00:26 UTC 2016


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14415
  Ticket             | 14415
  Created By         | peter.elsner at cpanel.net
  Summary            | Adding an external email address to a shared Horde
                     | calendar, wipes all other already added accounts (after
                     | the external one was just added)
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | Git master
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

peter.elsner at cpanel.net (2016-06-30 15:00) wrote:

Adding external (or invalid/non-existent) email accounts to a shared  
calendar within Horde, will wipe out any other valid accounts after  
the external account you just added.

This is bad because if you have say for example 50 addresses already  
set and you accidentally add an invalid address at the beginning (or  
somewhere in the middle), it would wipe everything out after that  
address.  There are no warnings, there are no errors, it just wipes it  

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create several email accounts under a single domain name.
As an example I have testing at cptest.tld and added:  
billybob at cptest.tld, user1 at cptest.tld, user2 at cptest.tld and  
user3 at cptest.tld.
2) Go to Horde for testing at cptest.tld and click on Calendar button at top.
3) Go to My Calendar on the left-hand side and click the Pencil icon.
4) Click on Sharing tab and select "Share with the users:"
5) Enter billybob at cptest.tld, user3 at cptest.tld, user1 at cptest.tld,  
user2 at cptest.tld
Click Save.
Everything saves just fine and if you come back in, they are all still set.
6) Now add cpanelnoreply2016 at gmail.com in-between user3 at cptest.tld and  
user1 at cptest.tld
Hit save.
7) Now come back in and notice that the only accounts left are  
billybob at cptest.tld and user3 at cptest.tld (cpanelnoreply2016 at gmail.com  
and the other 2 are now missing).

Suggested resolution:

First, It should really say "comma separated". Additionally it should  
also say something along the lines of "This is for Horde users within  
your domain only, External accounts cannot be added"

Barring that, it should either not add the invalid account  
(cpanelnoreply2016 at gmail.com) at all, but leave the rest intact, or it  
should warn you upon saving that the address you just added is invalid  
and discard your changes.

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