[Tickets #14500] Html tag inside blockquote (breaks displaying at seznam.cz)

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Mon Oct 31 18:37:53 UTC 2016


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14500
  Ticket             | 14500
  Created By         | m at rcel.cz
  Summary            | Html tag inside blockquote (breaks displaying at
                     | seznam.cz)
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

m at rcel.cz (2016-10-31 18:37) wrote:

When I reply to an html formatted email to users at seznam.cz (using  
EAS via Nine on Android), they won't see my typed response when  
viewing in the Seznam webmail, only their original message.

This happens because the html message (sent using EAS) is formatted like this:
<div>My reply from Nine</div><blockquote><html><body>Initial  
<b>message</b> from seznam.cz</body></html></blockquote>

Seznam.cz (which is the larges free email provider in Czech Republic)  
claims that there's defined <html> and shows only that to users. I  
don't think they are doing anything completely wrong here. Not  
foolproof but not necessarily broken...

Nine claims that they do not process blockquote received from server  
so maybe the server should provide "safe" blockquote (?). I wasn't  
able to duplicate the issue via Horde web interface. When I tried  
Samsung Focus (quite new EAS client), it also sends html withing  
previous email quoting but it puts the whole message inside another  
html so Seznam displays it fine.

I don't know about blockquote element but having multiple html  
elements within single document doesn't look valid. On the other hand  
html emails doesn't require html tag at all (if I read RFCs correctly).

Please see the link to the issue at Nine tracker, it includes full  
message source.

Link to the issue reported to seznam.cz (in czech, but only initial  
public report):  
Link to the issue at Nine tracker:  

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