[Tickets #14585] Re: horde/nag/lib/Nag.php : 1733 [getSyncLists()]: Wron serialized array in prefs triggers warning

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sat Feb 25 21:04:57 UTC 2017


Ticket-URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14585
  Ticket           | 14585
  Aktualisiert Von | torben at dannhauer.info
  Zusammenfassung  | horde/nag/lib/Nag.php : 1733 [getSyncLists()]:  Wron
                   | serialized array in prefs triggers warning
  Warteschlange    | Nag
  Version          | Git master
  Typ              | Bug
  Status           | Feedback
  Priorität        | 1. Low
  Milestone        |
  Patch            | 1
  Zuständige       | Michael Rubinsky

torben at dannhauer.info (2017-02-25 21:04) hat geschrieben:

>> My experience for years is different: for every user I had to define
>> their default calender|tasklist|notepad. Login into a pristine
>> account had non of them defined.
> I can't reproduce this. I started with a completely fresh database,  
> logged in with a user for the first time. I navigate to the  
> application's (in this case, nag) preferences and view "Default  
> Tasklist"

Here our scenarios differs the first time: In my setup, there is no  
default tasklist.
I think we should investigate why your setup provides a default  
tasklist where mine does not.

Do I need to configure something in horde to create default tasklists?
Where is it created? When the user logs in the first time, or when the  
user is added to horde in the admin interface?

In our setup we use $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'sql'; and point to a  
different SQL table outside the horde DB. Additionally users are not  
added in Horde but from a 3rdParty interface into that auth  
database/table. This interface does more than adding the user, so I  
don't want to abandon it until I have moved everything into a horde  

  - I see a "Michael's Tasklist" already choosen. Without
> saving, I navigate to Synchronization preferences - the list of  
> other tasklists is empty, as it should be since there are no  
> tasklists other than the default - I check "support separate  
> tasklists" and save the pref. I check the preference value in the  
> backend, and it appears as it should:
> a:1:{i:0;s:23:"xEkS5vys4L4MXV03oZZAiQ4";}

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