[Tickets #14634] Delay Start doesn't display or work

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Thu May 4 14:20:48 UTC 2017


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14634
  Ticket             | 14634
  Created By         | rfdeshon at gmail.com
  Summary            | Delay Start doesn't display or work
  Queue              | Nag
  Version            | 4.2.14
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

rfdeshon at gmail.com (2017-05-04 14:20) wrote:

Part of this bug is hard to describe... the easy part is this, when  
editing a task that has a delayed start date, the radio button for the  
delayed date is selected, but the field is empty.

The hard part to describe is that the start date doesn't always work.  
I frequently have tasks that are past their start date but they are  
not showing up in my "Incomplete Tasks" list. In my regular use, these  
are all recurring tasks. Some of my recurring tasks with start dates,  
however, DO show up... so it's not an every time kind of thing. I  
can't seem to find what causes it to show up or not. I also just  
created a non-recurring test task with a start date (set in the past)  
and it did not show up in my Incomplete Tasks list, but rather my  
Future Tasks. This suggests that it is not unique to recurring tasks.  
I've checked the database, and the task_start field on the tasks is  
being populated, which suggests that the problem happens when  
displaying the tasks, not creating/editing them.

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