[Tickets #14773] A couple changes to /Block/Account/Ldap.php and /Horde/Ldap.php

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Tue Jan 30 16:24:19 UTC 2018


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14773
  Ticket             | 14773
  Created By         | dan at reportallusa.com
  Summary            | A couple changes to /Block/Account/Ldap.php and
                     | /Horde/Ldap.php
  Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Unconfirmed
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

dan at reportallusa.com (2018-01-30 16:24) wrote:

First, sorry for the bad summary name, wasn't sure the best way to  
summarize this.

When configuring Portal Blocks->Account Info Configuration with the  
LDAP backend, using Samba4 (Schema version Windows Server 2008 R2) as  
the DC, that block will cause a Fatal Error for two reasons:

Easiest fix was in /lib//Block/Account/Ldap.php in the _getMaxPasswd()  
function, $this->_ldap->search() call, currently $domaindn is being  
passed. This is incorrect, $domaindn gets converted back to a string  
by Horde_Ldap_Util::canonicalDN() a couple lines up. That result, $dn,  
should be passed instead.

The second issue is more tricky to solve in a general case. In this  
schema version (maybe it's a PHP7 thing in reality? I'm not sure),  
executing an ldap_search() against a base DN will cause an Operations  
Error unless ldap_set_option($link, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0) is called  
before the search is executed. I was able to solve this in my  
installation by putting in a check like:
if($base === 'DC=[mydomain],DC=com') { ldap_set_option($link,  
LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); } //Only disable referrals if searching  
against the full base DN
I don't know enough about the Horde config array to figure out a  
general patch for it though.

Hope that helps!

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