[Tickets #14807] Re: Broken File Names in Attachments when using ActiveSync

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Fri Nov 23 18:30:13 UTC 2018


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14807
  Ticket             | 14807
  Updated By         | Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
  Summary            | Broken File Names in Attachments when using ActiveSync
  Queue              | IMP
  Version            | 6.2.21
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Not A Bug
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             | Michael Rubinsky

Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> (2018-11-23 18:30) wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> sorry for the misleading RFC.
> So this is a long known issue that Horde (and only Horde) ignore?  
> That sounds quite absurd.

What's absurd is failing to follow accepted standards. "Fixing" this  
by implementing an undefined behavior in order to support the few  
clients that are broken at the expense of breaking the behavior for  
clients that implement this correctly is equally absurd. If we need to  
choose between supporting clients that work correctly with the  
standards, or support the few clients that do not while potentially  
breaking behavior for those that do, the choice is clear.  For those  
people that prefer the broken behavior and the risks that come with  
it, well, it's open source software. It can be modified. There are  
also, as you indicate, other products that have chosen to produce  
broken email headers that they can use.

> "I'm RFC conform and I do not care if my software is usable in the  
> real world or not" - Is that really the way you want to go? The  
> developers of other OS software like Thunderbird/Roundcube have  
> another approach that makes more sense (at least IMHO) because it  
> prefer usability over rfc conformity.

It's not about "prefering" it. It's about producing output that is  
correctly understood by any properly functioning MUA. It's about  
keeping our software current. It's about not perpetuating the problem.  
Purposely producing broken data is the opposite of good software: "Our  
software doesn't work with your MUA because we have to support a MUA  
that doesn't follow the standard."  RFC 2231 exists for a reason. It's  
a standard. We produce output that conforms to it, and other relevant  
standards. Choosing not to conform to the standards completely defeats  
the purpose of a standard.

> However: Just for completeness for all other frustrated users - here  
> are the 2 files that needs to patched
> Line 140: .../Horde/Mime/Headers/ContentParam.php
> Add: 'broken_rfc2231' => true,
> Line 305: .../Horde/Mime.php
> Replace: public static $brokenRFC2231 = false;
> With: public static $brokenRFC2231 = true;
> ... = path to your horde - at my installation it is /usr/share/php/
> @Michael: feel free to correct my patch if I haven't guessed correct

This looks correct.

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