[Tickets #14988] Re: ActiveSync mail setting From: header

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sun Jun 7 17:40:03 UTC 2020


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14988
  Ticket             | 14988
  Updated By         | Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
  Summary            | ActiveSync mail setting From: header
  Queue              | Synchronization
  Version            | FRAMEWORK_5_2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Feedback
  Priority           | 1. Low
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> (2020-06-07 17:40) wrote:

>> Does the "Default Identity" entry have a "The default e-mail address
>> to use with this identity:" value set?
>> Other things to try:
>> Use the administrative sql shell and execute:
>> SELECT * FROM horde_prefs WHERE pref_name='activesync_identity';
>> If you have something other than "use horde default" set in the
>> prefs, this will be some number. Probably '0' for the original
>> default identity.
>> Then, in the administrative PHP shell:
>> ident =
>> $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create('your_username_here');
>> var_dump($ident->getValue('from_addr', x);  // replace 'x' with the
>> number returned from the query above.
>> This should output the email address that activesync will use as the
>> From address of outgoing email.
> Yes, the default identity has an e-mail address set.
> SELECT * FROM horde_prefs WHERE pref_name='activesync_identity';
> in the SQL Shell delivers:
> pref_uid 	pref_scope 	pref_name 	pref_value
> <username> 	horde 	activesync_identity 	0
> $ident=$injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create('<username>');
> var_dump($ident->getValue('from_addr',0));
> in the PHP shell correctly delivers the e-mail address set for the  
> default identity. Still, this address is not set in the "From"  
> header when sending messages via ActiveSync. Here an excerpt from  
> Core/ActiveSync/Mail.php:
>     public function setRawMessage(Horde_ActiveSync_Rfc822 $raw)
>     {
>         $this->_headers = $raw->getHeaders();
>         // Attempt to always use the identity's From address, but fall back
>   	// to the device's sent value if it's not present.
>         if ($from = $this->_getIdentityFromAddress()) {
>             $this->_headers->removeHeader('From');
>             $this->_headers->addHeader('From', $from);
>         }
>         // Reply-To?
>   	if ($replyto = $this->_getReplyToAddress()) {
>             $this->_headers->addHeader('Reply-To', $replyto);
>         }
>         $this->_raw = $raw;
>     }
> The first "if" seems to fail so the "From" header is not removed and  
> set to the default identity. How can I debug that one? Thanks for  
> any help.

If that if is failing, then you need to figure out why  
_getIdentityFromAddress() is returning an empty value.  Use some debug  
logging in that method with Horde::debug() as so:

     protected function _getIdentityFromAddress()
         global $prefs;

         $ident = $GLOBALS['injector']

         $as_ident = $prefs->getValue('activesync_identity');
         $name = $ident->getValue('fullname', $as_ident == 'horde' ?  
$prefs->getValue('default_identity') :  
         $from_addr = $ident->getValue('from_addr', $as_ident ==  
'horde' ? $prefs->getValue('default_identity') :  

        // ADD LOGGING
       Horde::debug($this->_user);  // This should output the Horde username.
       Horde::debug($from_addr);   // This should output the address  
you expect. If it doesn't, it's probably not the identity you think it  
       Horde::debug($name);          // This should ouput the human  
readable username configured in the identity.

         if (empty($from_addr)) {
         $rfc822 = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($from_addr);
         $rfc822->personal = $name;

         // ADD LOGGING
        Horde::debug($rfc822->encoded);  // If this is empty, probably  
something wrong with the format of the email address.

         return $rfc822->encoded;

The log entries will be written to a file called horde_debug.txt  
located in your system's temporary directory (or the temp directory  
configured in Horde, if different).

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