[Tickets #13664] Re: accept event to Horde CalDAV calendar from Thunderbird Lightning parses Attendees

noreply at bugs.horde.org noreply at bugs.horde.org
Wed Dec 9 12:57:22 UTC 2020


Ticket URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13664
  Ticket             | 13664
  Updated By         | rl at rlit.nl
  Summary            | accept event to Horde CalDAV calendar from Thunderbird
                     | Lightning parses Attendees
  Queue              | Kronolith
  Version            | 4.2.2
  Type               | Bug
  State              | Duplicate
  Priority           | 2. Medium
  Milestone          |
  Patch              |
  Owners             |

rl at rlit.nl (2020-12-09 12:57) wrote:

>> Have you tried the Calendar option in Thunderbird: Prefer client-side
>> email scheduling ?
>> Experienced this issue in the past, but after waiting very long i
>> installed SOGo frontend recently because of this issue not being
>> resolved (or not releasing Horde 6 where it should be fixed), for
>> SOGo i need to enable Prefer client-side email scheduling to accept
>> meeting invites correctly. The users that need calendar functionality
>> are now using SOGo and the others Horde.
> Hi, i did try this option (client-side scheduling), but it also  
> resulted in errors for me. I've never heard of SOGo, i just looked  
> it up. It looks like a great solution. Is it available to individual  
> users like me via a cloud account or something? Or do you need to be  
> an organization that self-hosts it?
Too bad it is not working.
You can install it on your own server from the available source code  
for free. Or perhaps you can find a provider that uses SOGo. Perhaps  
your question can be asked in the SOGo community.

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