PHP syntax highlighting

Todd Kirby
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 00:48:24 -0800 (PST)

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I made a change to checkout.php to enable PHP syntax

Attached are the changed files:

checkout.php -- added code to check for PHP and do
syntax highlighting
mime.php.dist -- added a mime type for PHP scripts
config.php.dist -- added a config option for turning
on/off PHP syntax highlighting

I have a copy running on my dev box with these changes
made if you want to see what  it looks like. Just
drill down until you get to a PHP source  code

 (The source code in this cvs is the  version with the
PHP syntax stuff) 

There is probably a more general solution that would
work with c, c++, java, but PHP has this built in and
it was easy to implement..

Thanks for a great app!

-Todd Kirby
Walt Disney

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