[chora] luxor / chora

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 10 Aug 2001 15:32:46 -0400

Quoting Cynic <cynic@mail.cz>:

> First, let me say that the fact that code in Chora that actually 
> does something (i. e. besides declarations) is spread among files 
> directly requested from browser and files included from these 
> makes it really hard to understand the code. Looks like the only 
> one who's been working on Chora so far is Anil, so this is 
> understandable (no need to read other people's code, no problems),
> but I'd be extremely happy if it'd be possible to reorganize the 
> flow so that the includes contain only class declarations etc. 
> Opinions?

As opposed to now, when the includes contain classes and templates? Not sure 
what you're suggesting be done here.

> I guess the way to go would be to get the time just before the next revision 
> to index.php was> checked in, and do checkouts based on the timestamp from 
> then on.
> Do you see any problems with this?

That seems to make sense, yeah.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.