[chora] [Q] Install, which packages?
Mathieu Arnold
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 22:39:58 +0100
Pierre Belanger wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I have an installation question regarding all the packages...
> In Chora's INSTALL it says we need Horde libraries (http://horde.org).
> In Horde's INSTALL file, it says we need all of the following:
> PHP Extensions: mm, IMAP, LDAP, Berkeley DB, mcrypt, MySQL, mcal
> PHP with ftp enable, gettext and zlib
> External Binaries: sendmail, ispell, aspell, mvHtml, png, ImageMagick,
> freetype, libwmf, xlHtml, tar, GnuPG, RPM, DPKG, zipinfo
> My question, do we really need ALL the above packages to install
> Chora? I would think I don't need IMAP, LDAP, MySQL and others...
As far as I can tell, you need :
gettext to have the texts.
enscript to display checkout.
Mathieu Arnold