[chora] RCSDIFF does not Function in Windows 2000 PHP4 -solution1

Arturo Portilla Henao arturo@puj.edu.co
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 19:07:29 -0000

to complete the entire solution 

this code must be reside in 

"chora/templates/log/request.inc"        line 15

<? echo (OS_WINDOWS ? "<input name='fn' type=hidden value=" . 
$where . ">" : '' ); ?>

<select name="r1">.....

fn is the changed name of $f >> $fn  becouse the parameter $f is used here.

this only is usefull in windows2000, becouse the form need send ($fn .vs. $f) 

this code insert a field in the form. when is submitedd this variable $fn is
put in URL.

NOTE: you dont need to modify for windows 2000 server. (form declaration)
<form method="get" action="<?= Chora::url('diff',$where) ?>">

but if you like..
you can use method  --->      <? OS_WINDOWS ? $where : '' ?>

Now All diffs function in Windows 2000.

Arturo Portilla Henao <arturo@puj.edu.co> dijo:

> ok, my solution is a litle solution, chora team can implement another 
> solution, better.