CVSROOT and annotations
Jasper Veltman
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 01:20:18 +0100
Hello all,
I recently installed Chora as an easy CVS-browser. However, I cannot get the
annotations to function properly: it fails with a server error because it
cannot access the CVSROOT. The same thing happens on Horde's demo-site,
obviously the same problem.
My CVS repositories are in subdirectories of /data/cvs,
say /data/cvs/project1/. But the CVSROOT-dir for all repositories is by default
in /data/cvs/CVSROOT/, and not in /data/cvs/project1/CVSROOT/ as Chora seems to
want. Project1 is configured in cvsroots.php
with 'location'=>'/data/cvs/project1'. Changing the location to '/data/cvs'
solves the problem, but makes it impossible to use several repositories in a
useful way.
An extra parameter in the Chora configuration describing the CVS basedir and
using this to determine the path to the CVSROOT dir would solve the problem.
The other repositories can than be configured relative to the CVS basedir.
Under normal circumstances they should already be placed under the CVS basedir,
furthermore this is more compliant with the Horde framework configuration files
(something like 'project1' => $this->applications['chora']
['location'] . '/project1',
Versions used: Horde 2.0, Chora 1.0RC1, CVS 1.11.1p1 on Linux
Jasper Veltman
Taceo BV