[chora] File listing bug in latest CVS

Ahmed ashihab@alcahest.com
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 19:16:31 +0100


I've found a minor problem with latest CVS (26.04.2002 ~09:00GMT). The symptom 
is the lack of file listing when viewing a valid repository, on a RedHat linux 
system 7.1

the following patch to chora/CVSLib/File.php seems to cure it:
--- File.php    Sat Apr 27 19:09:44 2002
+++ File.php.new        Sat Apr 27 19:08:57 2002
@@ -155,9 +155,10 @@
         $flag = ($this->flags == CVSLIB_LOG_QUICK) ? ' -r ' : ' ';
         $Q = OS_WINDOWS ? '"' : "'" ;
         $cmd = $this->rep->conf['paths']['rlog'] . $flag . $Q . $this-
>queryFullPath() . $Q;
+       $mode = OS_WINDOWS ? 'rb' : 'r';
         /* Try and execute it, and retrieve the output into a variable */
-        if (!($pstream = popen($cmd, 'rb'))) {
+        if (!($pstream = popen($cmd, $mode))) {
              return new CVSLib_Error(CVSLIB_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Failed to spawn rlog to retrieve file log information");
