[chora] buttons/links
Eric Rostetter
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 20:18:24 -0500
My intent when I started adding a menu bar to chora last night was to add
buttons that would switch between views (annotate, log view, etc). Now that
I've used chora a bit, I've noticed that some pages put some such links on
the right side of the screen under the chora link/version. (In the code,
this is done via the $extraLink variable)
So, my question is: what would people like to see:
1) Add more links at the right side where some already are, and forget buttons?
2) Remove the links at the right side, and add buttons to do those links?
3) Leave the links, and add some buttons, and use both, but try not to
duplicate things too much.
4) Leave the links, and add some buttons, and don't worry about duplication...
Its probably a bit more complicated than that, but I want to see if I can
get a feel for how other people would like this to grow...
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.