[chora] can not see files
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 09:37:48 -0500
Quoting Yair Naveh <yairv@server.jce.ac.il>:
> Hi
> 1. I am running chora - last version and I can see the directories but can't
> see the files
This happens when you have a malformed cvs repository, point it at
the wrong place in a repository, or (most common probably) if you point
chora at a cvs checkout rather than a cvs repository.
> 2. There is more documentation about configuration files on chora ?
There is a terrible lack of documentation about chora. I've created a
start of a help file for it. I hope to work on some docs soon. Until
then, look at the docs included (in all directories) and also at
http://www.horde.org/chora/ for general info. Unfortunately, there isn't
much yet on configuration.
> Thank's Yair
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.