[chora] A few issues with cvs-head
Chuck Hagenbuch
Sun, 4 Aug 2002 20:58:14 -0400
Quoting Dan Wilson <dan@acucore.com>:
> Sorry, not enough info. It only displays the username, not the full name
> in the directory listing. I was just thinking that someone probably
> didn't like it displaying the full name to shorten the length of the row
> or something. But I would prefer that it show the full name. Don't know
> how everyone else feels about it.
I think it's good in general to keep the column width down on main list
> My problem here is that I don't have a cvsusers file that actually has a
> header in it. So I'm not sure of the format. I'm assuming that we could
> just check for a comment character (#) at the beginning of the line, but
> I'm not positive.
We don't see to have a comment char. You could always just add a header to
your file. :)
Seriously, I'm not sure what the standard is or if there even is one.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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