[chora] Play nice with other horde apps?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 11:00:04 -0400

Quoting adam@morrison-ind.com:

> That is what I did,  under RELENG_1, it doesn't seem to do anything. 
> HEAD dies on me with Fatal error: Call to undefined function: 
> compressoutput() in /var/www/html/horde/chora/lib/base.php on line 54 
> when I first try and enter chora.

You can't run a HEAD Chora with a RELENG_ Horde, and the RELENG_ Chora 
doesn't have this menu code. You could always add it in yourself, though.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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