[chora] chora image diff

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:59:36 -0400

Quoting Ryan Gallagher <ryan@studiesabroad.com>:

> This thread really peaked my interest.  I apologize ahead if comments
> were not invited.

It's a public mailing list. On-topic conversation is implicitly invited. :)

> What about various structured document formats?  About to go out on a
> limb here... Stop me if any repositories or diff techniques already deal 
> with this.

That's a _very_ interesting idea. I don't know of anything that does it 
now, but there very well might be some XML technologies for doing it (I'd 
hesitate to apply it to non-XHTML HTML, personally). Would be neat to code 
a diff driver for it...

> A) I'm not sure how possible it would be with simply a CVS backend.

You should be able to do it, using external code of course, as long as you 
can retrieve two revisions.

> B) I do not have the time at the moment to investigate too much further
> or code it.  Just an idea for a possible feature.

Well, shucks. :) But maybe you'll have time in the future, or this will 
spark someone else's interest.

> Allowing other diff types on other filetypes seems like one of those
> areas where "pluggable" apps (be they php or other) might come in to play.

Yeah, sounds like we might want to have a Chora_Diff class with pluggable 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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