[chora] Syntax highlight

Cleber S. Mori cleber@grad.icmc.usp.br
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 03:35:02 -0300

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Hi there!

This is my first post... (From Brazil, hello! :)

Chora is awesome tool for helping a CVS devel. Thanks for that.
I looked after a syntax highlight when seeying the codes (C, C++, etc) on
the "view" link of files, but I guess that there is no way to do it.

Are you guys thinking about it?
If not, would you like a help? :)

I thought something about using a external program just to make some HTML
with the highlighted code. Than showing that.=20

I don't program PHP, that's bad. (Perl, though)

I will only have some spare time in 2 months or so, but...


Cleber S. Mori  --  Lab Linux Monitor
3rd Year - Computer Science
ICMC - Mathematics and Computer Science Institute
USP - Sao Paulo University

HPage:          http://grad.icmc.usp.br/~cleber/
E-mail:         cleber@grad.icmc.usp.br
ICQ/UIN:        1409389

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