[chora] Chora and viewing images

Damien Harper harperd@keops.net
Fri Nov 8 14:05:12 2002

Sorry for the prvious post without object ;)
I just wanna add something, at the moment, when diffing images, nothing is
done since images are binary but I heard about a patch that diplays the 2
revisions of an image side by side. Is it available somewhere ?

Here are my troubles:

I set up Chora using the HEAD branch from horde CVS.
I did the same with Horde Framework.
I set up my repositories (I'm currently using CVSNT build57j).
Everything looks OK, i can browse repositories, check file logs... but
things go wrong when I try to view a images.
Some of my repositories are web sites sources so I store php, asp, htm files
and gif / jpeg images in the repositories.
When I try to view an image revision, I get a cross image just as if the
file couldn't be displayed or found.
I get some troubles viewing rpm or tgz files.
Everything in horde/config/mime_drivers.php looks OK !!!

What do I have to do ???


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