[chora] Failed opening 'Log.php'

Theewara Vorakosit thvo at ksc.th.com
Sun Jan 12 16:52:28 PST 2003

Dear All,
    I user horde/chora in Red Hat. Chora works well, in guest mode. =
Horde, however, can not login. It displays this error message:
Warning: Failed opening 'Log.php' for inclusion =
(include_path=3D'.:/usr/share/pear') in ..... line 145
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'log' in ..../Horde.php on line 155

I found that Redhat 7.3 with php 4.1.2-7 has /usr/share/pear/Log.php. =
But Red Hat 8 with php 4.2.2-8.0.5 does ot have it. Would you please =
tell me how to solve this problem?

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