[chora] Re: Horde and Chora problems: Required 'phptype' not specified...

Adrian Gschwend ktk at netlabs.org
Mon Jan 20 23:17:58 PST 2003

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:27:44 -0600, Eric Rostetter wrote:

>Set guest access to true ( 'allow_guests' => true ) for chora in your
>horde/config/registry.php and then you won't need to login.

ah thanks! that did it

>You need to set it for $conf['auth']['params']['phptype'] in addition
>to $conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'].  But if you set guest access
>as above, then you won't need to do this.

ok will read more about that too to find the solution. Thanks!

It doesn't work yet, it has problems while spawing the rlog but I guess
that's an OS/2 specific problem now. Will try to understand the code and
debug the problem.



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