[chora] Fwd: Re: Chora Integration into SourceForge

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Mar 25 12:32:26 PST 2003

Attached are some contributions from someone for Chora. Mainly, they add
support for CVSGraph. I've been meaning to get to this for a while, but just
haven't been able to, so I got his permission to pass it on to the list. If
someone could take a look and pull out the bits that are useful to us - at
least the cvsgraph support - that'd be great.

----- Forwarded message from jricher at mitre.org -----
    Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 16:45:59 -0500
    From: Justin Richer <jricher at mitre.org>
Reply-To: Justin Richer <jricher at mitre.org>
 Subject: Re: Chora Integration into SourceForge
      To: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>

I've attached a tarball of the appropriate files. To explain the name of the
file: the project is called "UDAMan", for User-Developed Applications
Management. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about the name. :)

As you'll notice, they're in two directories: /include/horde-libs/ and
/cvs/. SF has a general separation of included libraries from actual code,
though this separation is sadly not as complete as it should be. I may end
up moving all of CVSLib into /include/, too. The new code obviously depends
on a few function calls specific to SF and UDAMan, especially to the $HTML
object and a couple db_ functions (for daytabase interaction).

I haven't had opportunity to test out all of the MIME viewers yet, but they
work impressively well so far. The integrations used for CVSGraph are in the
cvsgraph.php script, with the changes to cvsgraph.conf file below:

# Configuration for SourceForge/Chora

map_name        = "MyMapName";

# Branches
map_branch_href = "href=\"%9cvs.php/%p%F?group_id=%3&onb=%B\"";
map_branch_alt  = "alt=\"Branch: %B\"";

# Revisions
map_rev_href    = "href=\"%9co.php/%p%F?group_id=%3&r=%R\"";
map_ref_alt     = "alt=\"Revision: %R %t\"";

# Diffs
map_diff_href   = "href=\"%9diff.php/%p%F?group_id=%3&r1=%P&r2=%R&ty=h\"";
map_diff_alt    = "alt=\"Diff: %P to %R\"";

Note that you have to comment out the CVSWeb and ViewCVS sections of the
config file, too.

I can think of a couple places you might want to use some of my code. First,
there's the section of diff.php where it's printing out a changed section.
The old test of just popping off the arrays failed for cases where there was
a blank line in the longer of the two changed sections, since an empty
string returns 'false'.

Oh, and it would appear I forgot to wrap up the images in this tarball, but
you know what they already look like. :) I can't think of any other specific
changes I've made right now, but if you've got questions on it, just give me
a holler and I'd be happy to answer for my deeds. I also have a whole pile
of screenshots of it in action, but I need management approval before I can
send those along.

 -- Justin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck at horde.org>
To: "Justin Richer" <jricher at mitre.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: Chora Integration into SourceForge

> Quoting Justin Richer <jricher at mitre.org>:
> > Ok, i'll toss the changes in your direction soon. Most of the changes
> > revolved around calling SF functions (for HTML rendering, user
> > authentication, etc) instead of the corresponding Horde functions, and
> > pulling out dependency on the Horde libraries. I kinda felt bad pulling
> > things out in places :). Perhaps by the weekend I'll have something
> > show-able.
> Great, thanks.
> > Cool! Yeah, I'm at the Bedford campus. I can say that budgeting is tight
> > on new hires, but I'll pass your resume along to the HR folks here. I
> > that my project in particular isn't looking for someone new right now
> > (again, due to budgets), but MITRE's a big place, and there's always a
> > of things going on. And, I can say it's a great place to work-- I've
> > here as an intern for 3 years, going to full time after I graduate in
> > June.
> Thanks very much for this, too. :)
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
> I know there's fish out there, but where g-d only knows.

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de Unamuno
-------------- next part --------------
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