[chora] annotate issue on windows

Masters, Matthew Matthew.Masters at commercequest.com
Thu May 8 15:48:30 PDT 2003

I am running Chora v1.2 on Windows with IIS.  Everything works great except for annotate.  I am at a complete lose now.  I followed the Install instructions and ended up deleting the history file, but that did not work.  I am also using CVS locking and have tried to turn it off and still a no go.

The error that I receive is
  505 Internal Server Error 
  Unable to annotate; server said:  
Anybody have any ideas on how to get this to work.

By the way Chora is awesome it is so much better of an interface then CVSWEB and by looking at the chora running on the Horde site the new stuff looks pretty cool to.  Can I just grab the latest to get the new functionality.

Thank you,

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