[chora] Chora 1.2.1-RC1

GPHemsley at aol.com GPHemsley at aol.com
Fri Feb 27 13:24:01 PST 2004

Yeah, that's the one.

In a message dated 2/27/2004 4:07:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, jan at horde.org 
Zitat von GPHemsley at aol.com:

> If possible (since this seems to be a release only to upgrade l18n), I ask
> that you wait until a test case is created for my patch. I'm having a bit of
> trouble tracing the classes/functions needed to use the "buggy" part 
> of the code,
> and I had stopped work on it for a while. If you don't need the test case 
> longer, let me know, but I do know that it's not included in the RC1.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Ah, the windows username fix?


Gordon Hemsley
gphemsley at users.sourceforge.net
A Link to the Past • CMSformE

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