[chora] Subversion with Chora/Horde RC1

Gerard Samuel chora at trini0.org
Sun Nov 21 11:31:22 PST 2004

Is anyone having any problems with Chora displaying a subversion 
I could check out the repository just fine ->
hivemind# svn checkout file:///source/svn/trunk project
A  project/foo.c
A  project/bar.c
A  project/Makefile
Checked out revision 2.

Here is the configuration Im using in Chora ->
$sourceroots['testsvn'] = array('name'     => 'TEST SVN PROJECT',
                                'location' => 'file:///source/svn/trunk',
                                'title'    => 'Test SVN Repository',
                                'type'     => 'svn',

I searched the archives, and came across that it could be that the 
repository is not
readable by apache.  So I tried giving the whole repository "www" 
access, but that didn't work.
I also saw a topic about a problem with the OS locale.  Im not sure 
where I can debug for this.

Im currently running FreeBSD 5.3, apache2, subversion 1.1.1
Any help with this would be appreciated.

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