[chora] Re: Chora doen't hide files with the state 'dead'

Christian Stadler webmaster at ragnarokonline.de
Sat Feb 5 12:13:02 PST 2005

Chuck Hagenbuch schrieb:
> Quoting Christian Stadler <webmaster at ragnarokonline.de>:
>> well, the topic says it all: Chora seems to ignore the state 'dead'
>> completely and doesn't hide these files, since it seems to rely on the
>> 'Attic'-folder.
> As does CVS, as far as I know. Can you point to some documentation of
> this "state"?

Right now I can only point you to the bug-system of CVSNT:
or if you don't want to create an account:

... and hile I was writing this, I've lokked into the manual. But I've
only found the following about the state 'dead' so far:

> -sstate[:rev]
>     Useful with CVS. Set the state attribute of the revision rev to state. If rev is a branch number, assume the latest revision on that branch. If rev is omitted, assume the latest revision on the default branch. Any identifier is acceptable for state. A useful set of states is `Exp' (for experimental), `Stab' (for stable), and `Rel' (for released). By default, the state of a new revision is set to `Exp' when it is created. The state is visible in the output from cvs log (see section log--Print out log information for files), and in the `$'Log$ and `$'State$ keywords (see section Keyword substitution). Note that CVS uses the dead state for its own purposes; to take a file to or from the dead state use commands like cvs remove and cvs add, not cvs admin -s.

  Christian Stadler

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