[chora] Log comments incorrect in subversion view

Roberto C. Sanchez roberto at familiasanchez.net
Mon May 16 06:04:15 PDT 2005

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von "Roberto C. Sanchez" <roberto at familiasanchez.net>:
>>I have a problem where the comments associated with the logs of
>>particular files are getting muddled. I have read these threads:
>>I believe that I am also experiencing a caching problem, but I am
>>not sure if it is the same thing.  For example, I have five home
> It sounds like it. But more important: why don't you upgrade the VC 
> package and try if it fixes your problem?
> Jan.

I'm sorry, but are you referring to upgrading to the laes chora, or
the latest subversion?  I presume that by VC you mean version control.
I believe that I am using the latest releases of both.  In the case
of subversion, I am using 1.1.4.


Roberto C. Sanchez
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