[chora] Direct links to diff.php and co.php

Ivaylo Mihov imihov at linkedin.com
Mon Jun 27 23:25:09 PDT 2005

I am running Horde 3.0.4 and Chora H3 2.0 for the sole purposes of  
having a web front to our CVS repository.

I want to incorporate links to file diffs in the e-mails that get  
generated from CVS upon commits. I used to be able to link directly  
into Chora in previous versions. Now, it does not seem to be the case  
any longer. If this is the first time the browser hits that URL and  
it does not have the Horde cookie, it gets a redirect to '/horde/ 
login.php&url=' with the original URL parameters encoded in the  
'url=' parameter. This, however, does not work and breaks diff.php  
with a "Malformed Query" message.

Is there an easy way to circumvent the whole authentication mechanism  
that Horde imposes, use Chora a CVS web-front and have links like:


Thank you for your time and comments.


Ivaylo Mihov
Release Engineer - LinkedIn Corp.
e-mail: imihov at linkedin.com

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