[chora] Followup (Re: "Can't check path...")

Eric spamsink at scoot.netis.com
Sun Nov 12 07:44:01 PST 2006

Attempting to do a little debug work on the "svn: Can't check path 
'/root/.subversion': Permission denied" error message I'm getting on 
initial Chora startup after configuration.

I don't know anything about PHP but the code doesn't look all that 
different from C++ so it's not completely impossible to follow... :-)

I've gotten as far as the second call to checkError( ) in browse.php, at 
line 23 (using the source for Chora version 2.0.1).  That one errors out at 
line 238 in lib/Chora.php

    * Given a return object from a VC:: call, make sure
    * that it's not a PEAR_Error object.
    * @param mixed $e  Return object from a VC:: call.
   function checkError($e)
       if (is_a($e, 'PEAR_Error')) {
           Chora::fatal($e->getMessage());  // << errors out here

So, apparently $dir->browseDir($cache, true, $atticFlags) returns some kind 
of a pear error object that is interpreted as "'/root/.subversion': 
Permission denied".

I'm not getting these kinds of errors in any of the other horde 
applications I'm running (turba, nag, passwd.  I'm hoping that means 
there's a good chance that the pear installation is OK (in any case, it was 
there when I started working with the horde apps and I haven't changed 

The error indicates a return from a VC:: call, and the only one of those 
prior to here in the code is $VC->queryDir($where) in browse.php line 
20.  How do I find out the return types of things like $VC->queryDir() and 
what is the best way to display them for debugging?

I have figured out that I can display things with Chora::fatal( ), e.g.

     "Chora::fatal("Hello, World");"

... will display "Hello, World") in an error box on the browser, but 
execution then stops and anyway, I haven't figured out how to display 
variables as in the C printf() or C++ cout.

If it seems like I'm grasping at straws here ... yeah, I am :-) ... but I 
have all day and the weather outside is crappy, so I thought I'd hack a 
little and see if I can figure this out.

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