[chora] Chora problems with Non-ASCII character filenames

Frank Rust frust at iti.cs.tu-bs.de
Thu Jan 13 13:11:58 UTC 2011


I have a problem with chora (latest stable versions of horde & chora).
When browsing through svn repositories containing files with non-ASCII  
characters I get an error

: Error executing svn log: svn: URL  
'svn://my.svn.host/svn/a//M/k/?\195?\156berblick.ppt' is not properly  

Can someone point me to a patch?

The problem seems to occur in horde3/lib/Horde/VC/svn.php
I tried to mess around in the file, to urlencode the path:
$u=$this->queryFullPath();  // the URL
$h=preg_match('|([^/]+//[^/]+/)(.*)|',$u,$match); // split the HOST /  
PATH parts
$p=$match[1].urlencode($match[2]); // urlencode the PATH part

but then I get "svn: Connection closed unexpectedly"

Best regards,

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