[commits] Horde-Hatchery branch, master, updated. e2963b5cf5c4f42d6c94db51fb67468fa55ad48e

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Nov 10 20:03:33 UTC 2008

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "Horde-Hatchery".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  e2963b5cf5c4f42d6c94db51fb67468fa55ad48e (commit)
       via  b4b18e77c9fdccd29fca77d6e4504765b738516a (commit)
       via  7a0b1486b69a030a4d986f4c10865db1ae202185 (commit)
       via  2c5de730730af4ebcde3ef5f31b066356f22e96a (commit)
      from  2df0a05125e60ca672827e55a249841df1648553 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e2963b5cf5c4f42d6c94db51fb67468fa55ad48e
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 10 12:51:36 2008 -0700

    Remove CVS header tags.

commit b4b18e77c9fdccd29fca77d6e4504765b738516a
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 10 12:29:18 2008 -0700

    Update IMP_Spam

commit 7a0b1486b69a030a4d986f4c10865db1ae202185
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 10 12:18:33 2008 -0700

    Horde_Mime_MDN -> Horde_Mime_Mdn

commit 2c5de730730af4ebcde3ef5f31b066356f22e96a
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 10 12:17:14 2008 -0700

    Fix MDN->Mdn in package.xml


Summary of changes:
 framework/Mime/package.xml                         |    4 +-
 imp/acl.php                                        |    2 -
 imp/attachment.php                                 |   10 +--
 imp/cache.php                                      |    2 -
 imp/compose.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/config/conf.xml                                |    1 -
 imp/config/filter.txt.dist                         |    2 -
 imp/config/header.php.dist                         |    2 -
 imp/config/menu.php.dist                           |    2 -
 imp/config/mime_drivers.php.dist                   |    2 -
 imp/config/motd.php.dist                           |    2 -
 imp/config/prefs.php.dist                          |    2 -
 imp/config/servers.php.dist                        |    2 -
 imp/config/spelling.php.dist                       |    2 -
 imp/contacts.php                                   |    2 -
 imp/fetchmail.php                                  |    2 -
 imp/fetchmailprefs.php                             |    2 -
 imp/filterprefs.php                                |    2 -
 imp/folders.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/imple.php                                      |    2 -
 imp/index.php                                      |    2 -
 imp/js/src/KeyNavList.js                           |    2 -
 imp/js/src/SpellChecker.js                         |    2 -
 imp/js/src/acl.js                                  |    2 -
 imp/js/src/autocomplete.js                         |    2 -
 imp/js/src/compose.js                              |    2 -
 imp/js/src/contacts.js                             |    2 -
 imp/js/src/fetchmailprefs.js                       |    2 -
 imp/js/src/folders.js                              |    2 -
 imp/js/src/login.js                                |    2 -
 imp/js/src/mailbox.js                              |    2 -
 imp/js/src/message.js                              |    2 -
 imp/js/src/popup.js                                |    2 -
 imp/js/src/redbox.js                               |    2 -
 imp/js/src/search.js                               |    2 -
 imp/js/src/unblockImages.js                        |    2 -
 imp/lib/Auth/imp.php                               |    2 -
 imp/lib/Block/summary.php                          |    2 -
 imp/lib/Block/tree_folders.php                     |    2 -
 imp/lib/Compose.php                                |    4 +-
 imp/lib/Contents.php                               |    2 -
 imp/lib/Crypt/PGP.php                              |    2 -
 imp/lib/Crypt/SMIME.php                            |    2 -
 imp/lib/Fetchmail.php                              |    2 -
 imp/lib/Fetchmail/imap.php                         |    2 -
 imp/lib/Folder.php                                 |    2 -
 imp/lib/IMAP.php                                   |    2 -
 imp/lib/IMAP/Thread.php                            |    2 -
 imp/lib/IMAP/Tree.php                              |    2 -
 imp/lib/IMP.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/lib/Identity/imp.php                           |    2 -
 imp/lib/Imple.php                                  |    2 -
 imp/lib/Imple/ContactAutoCompleter.php             |    2 -
 imp/lib/Imple/SpellChecker.php                     |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/alternative.php                |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/appledouble.php                |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/enriched.php                   |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/html.php                       |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/images.php                     |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/itip.php                       |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/notification.php               |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/partial.php                    |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/pdf.php                        |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/pgp.php                        |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/pkcs7.php                      |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/plain.php                      |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/related.php                    |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/rfc822.php                     |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/smil.php                       |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/status.php                     |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/tnef.php                       |    2 -
 imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/zip.php                        |    2 -
 imp/lib/Mailbox.php                                |    2 -
 imp/lib/Maillog.php                                |    2 -
 .../Task/delete_attachments_monthly.php            |    2 -
 .../Maintenance/Task/delete_sentmail_monthly.php   |    2 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/Task/fetchmail_login.php       |    2 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/Task/purge_sentmail.php        |    3 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/Task/purge_spam.php            |    3 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/Task/purge_trash.php           |    2 -
 .../Maintenance/Task/rename_sentmail_monthly.php   |    2 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/Task/tos_agreement.php         |    2 -
 imp/lib/Maintenance/imp.php                        |    3 -
 imp/lib/Message.php                                |    2 -
 imp/lib/Notification/Listener/status.php           |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota.php                                  |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/command.php                          |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/hook.php                             |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/imap.php                             |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/logfile.php                          |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/maildir.php                          |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/mdaemon.php                          |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/mercury32.php                        |    2 -
 imp/lib/Quota/sql.php                              |    3 -
 imp/lib/Search.php                                 |    2 -
 imp/lib/Sentmail.php                               |    3 -
 imp/lib/Sentmail/sql.php                           |    3 -
 imp/lib/Session.php                                |    2 -
 imp/lib/Spam.php                                   |   75 +++++++++-----------
 imp/lib/Template.php                               |    3 -
 imp/lib/UI/Compose.php                             |    3 -
 imp/lib/UI/Mailbox.php                             |    2 -
 imp/lib/UI/Message.php                             |    7 +--
 imp/lib/api.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/lib/base.php                                   |    2 -
 imp/lib/prefs.php                                  |    2 -
 imp/locale/ca_ES/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/cs_CZ/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/da_DK/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/de_DE/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/el_GR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/en_US/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/es_ES/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/et_EE/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/eu_ES/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/fa_IR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/fi_FI/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/fr_FR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/hu_HU/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/it_IT/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/ko_KR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/nb_NO/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/nl_NL/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/pl_PL/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/pt_BR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/pt_PT/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/ru_RU/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/sk_SK/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/sv_SE/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/tr_TR/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/uk_UA/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/zh_CN/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/locale/zh_TW/help.xml                          |    1 -
 imp/login.php                                      |    2 -
 imp/mailbox.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/message.php                                    |    2 -
 imp/pgp.php                                        |    2 -
 imp/redirect.php                                   |    2 -
 imp/rss.php                                        |    3 -
 imp/saveimage.php                                  |    2 -
 imp/scripts/bounce_spam.php                        |    2 -
 imp/scripts/custom_login.php                       |    2 -
 imp/scripts/sql/imp.sql                            |    2 -
 imp/scripts/upgrades/convert_vfolders.php          |    2 -
 imp/search.php                                     |    2 -
 imp/smime.php                                      |    2 -
 imp/stationery.php                                 |    2 -
 imp/templates/javascript_defs.php                  |    2 -
 imp/test.php                                       |    2 -
 imp/themes/azur/screen.css                         |    2 -
 imp/themes/bluemoon/screen.css                     |    4 -
 imp/themes/bluewhite/screen.css                    |    4 -
 imp/themes/brown/screen.css                        |    4 -
 imp/themes/burntorange/screen.css                  |    2 -
 imp/themes/cherry/screen.css                       |    4 -
 imp/themes/cornflower/screen.css                   |    4 -
 imp/themes/fadetogreen/screen.css                  |    2 -
 imp/themes/gennevilliers/screen.css                |    2 -
 imp/themes/green/screen.css                        |    4 -
 imp/themes/grey/screen.css                         |    4 -
 imp/themes/ideas/screen.css                        |    4 -
 imp/themes/ie6_or_less.css                         |    2 -
 imp/themes/ie7.css                                 |    2 -
 imp/themes/lavander/screen.css                     |    4 -
 imp/themes/luc/screen.css                          |    4 -
 imp/themes/lucblue/screen.css                      |    4 -
 imp/themes/mozilla/screen.css                      |    4 -
 imp/themes/postnuke/screen.css                     |    4 -
 imp/themes/rtl.css                                 |    1 -
 imp/themes/screen.css                              |    4 -
 imp/themes/silver/screen.css                       |    4 -
 imp/themes/simplex/screen.css                      |    4 -
 imp/themes/sun/screen.css                          |    4 -
 imp/themes/tango-blue/screen.css                   |    4 -
 imp/thread.php                                     |    2 -
 imp/view.php                                       |    2 -
 176 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 416 deletions(-)


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