[commits] [Wiki] changed: Project/Hydra

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Oct 12 23:56:49 UTC 2010

chuck  Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:56:49 -0400

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/Project/Hydra
New Revision:  1.36
Change log:  country-based content

@@ -1,33 +1,25 @@

  + Hydra

  Hydra is the new CMS/wiki-like app being created for ((Project/HordeWeb))

  ++ Bugs

  ++ Source

  Hydra is being developed in the [http://horde.org/source/git.php  
Horde hatchery]

  ++ People

-ChuckHagenbuch and RalfLang are working on Hydra.
+ChuckHagenbuch is thinking about Hydra a lot.

  ++ Description

  +++ Draft specification

  We need some sort of CMS to manage the content of the site and to  
make some areas user-editable like the current wiki. We may adopt an  
existing CMS, or we may adapt some of our own existing code. I propose  
that we create a new app similar to Wicked and the old Giapeto app,  
with the following feature list:

  * **Must** have a solid API for plugins, external access, embedding, etc.
  * Support for different page content-types (wiki, HTML, textile)
  * a GUI HTML editor for html content pages
@@ -40,24 +32,21 @@
  * store versions of content like wicked does
  * Good search based on Horde_Content_Index
  * generate feeds of edit activity across the site/sites; good  
storage of when and by whom content was last edited
  * hierarchical navigation of content  

  ++++ Layouts

  * use @ instead of $this-> for shorthand?
  * look at rails layouts

  Page Object


   - how to return block from driver, inherit Block methods, but also  
inherit Rdo_Base

  Mapper! Mappers are the drivers

  ++++ Horde_Text_Transformer

  * text_to_html
@@ -69,9 +58,8 @@
  Horde_Text_Transformer::transform($text, $from, $to = 'html');

  * finds the best transformer
  * if there's no exact match, sees if there's an intermediate through  
'text' (i.e., textile_to_text goes from textile_to_html through  

  ++++ Usage Roles

  First guess
@@ -148,114 +136,64 @@

  ++ Resources

  * http://www.cmswatch.com/Trends/1518-A-reality-checklist-for-vendors
  * http://blog.phpdeveloper.org/?p=101
  * http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-9999197-16.html
  * http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/will_habari_be_the_next_wordpress.php
  * http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/swirrl_semantic_web_wiki.php
  * http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/groupswim_adds_wikis_apis_and_more.php
  * http://github.com/37signals/wysihat
  * https://apps.carleton.edu/opensource/reason/
  * http://apps.carleton.edu/opensource/loki/
  * http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn
  * http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/CommentPlugin
  * http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/EditTablePlugin
  * http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/MultiEditPlugin
  * http://tstarling.com/blog/2008/12/secure-web-uploads/
  * http://ajaxian.com/archives/roxer-simple-web-page-creation-and-editing
  * http://www.concrete5.org/
  * http://e107.org/
  * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bricolage_(software)
  * http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/expression-engine-vs-textpattern
  * http://globalmoxie.com/projects/bigmedium/index.shtml?df
  * http://aliro.org/
  * http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/009883.html
  * http://tewha.net/2007/10/i-want-my-%E2%86%A9/
  * http://radiantcms.org/
  * https://apps.carleton.edu/opensource/reason/
  * http://seansperte.com/entry/an_introduction_to_expression_engine/
  * http://www.priebsch.de/2008/06/tdd-in-a-self-experiment/
  * http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001105.html
  * http://www.google.com/search?q=joe+clark+gruber+footnotes
  * http://www.ministryoftype.co.uk/words/article/quote_unquote/
  * http://www.silverstripe.com/
  * http://chyrp.net/
  * http://wikkawiki.org/HomePage
  * http://nanoc.stoneship.org/
  * http://webby.rubyforge.org/
  * http://eligrey.com/projects/citedrag/
  * http://techportal.ibuildings.com/2009/04/23/surviving-a-plane-crash/
  * http://webworkerdaily.com/2009/06/01/perch-an-ultra-lightweight-cms/
  * http://about.scriblio.net/

  Relevant tools/resources for web sites to integrate with/consider  
for inspiration:

  * http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/20052.asp
  * http://piwik.org/
  * http://ego-app.com/
  * http://gridder.andreehansson.se/
  * http://www.blindtextgenerator.com/


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