[commits] Horde branch master updated. 9ee536d3160a2ff52548b1c5af9516cc30f84e98

Michael J. Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Dec 20 01:47:53 UTC 2011

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 21406c517e6adba7a8b92c5da358a598caf0d95e

dac4a94 Spacing/comments etc...
9ee536d Better support for Android provisioning.


commit dac4a9422f608ce98e16f58fe3effaa400f53d66
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 19 20:41:48 2011 -0500

    Spacing/comments etc...

 framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Provision.php |   64 +++---
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)



commit 9ee536d3160a2ff52548b1c5af9516cc30f84e98
Author: Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 19 20:42:19 2011 -0500

    Better support for Android provisioning.
    Android sends the exact same User-Agent string for a number of
    different versions - including versions that have broken provisioning
    support as well as those that have working provisioning support.
    With this change, enabling "loose" provisioning will cause those devices to NOT
    be provisioned, while allowing the more recent "EAS-" versioned clients to be
    Enabling "forced" provisioning will continue to work as it always had, with one
    change - even android devices that correctly support provisioning will now be provisioned.
    (We were previously never allowing Android devices to attempt to be provisioned).

 framework/ActiveSync/lib/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Base.php |   36 ++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


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