[commits] Horde Web Source branch master updated. c4a520feea29b23842cf002e4634902a0aa63d89

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Feb 9 18:05:39 UTC 2011

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: 70be06d8185859352fb381415773e58fad9c1331

c4a520f Crontab: update documentation files.


commit c4a520feea29b23842cf002e4634902a0aa63d89
Author: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 9 18:05:37 2011 +0000

    Crontab: update documentation files.

 ansel/docs/CREDITS.html          |   64 ---
 ansel/docs/INSTALL.html          |  286 -------------
 ansel/docs/README.html           |  118 ------
 ansel/docs/TODO.html             |   29 --
 ansel/docs/UPGRADING.html        |   52 ---
 chora/docs/BUGS.html             |   14 -
 chora/docs/CREDITS.html          |   86 ----
 chora/docs/INSTALL.html          |  176 --------
 chora/docs/README.html           |   91 -----
 chora/docs/TODO.html             |   32 --
 dimp/docs/CREDITS.html           |   90 -----
 dimp/docs/INSTALL.html           |  224 -----------
 dimp/docs/README.html            |   89 ----
 forwards/docs/CREDITS.html       |  134 -------
 forwards/docs/INSTALL.html       |  228 -----------
 forwards/docs/README.html        |   93 -----
 forwards/docs/TODO.html          |   34 --
 gollem/docs/CREDITS.html         |  128 ------
 gollem/docs/INSTALL.html         |  205 ----------
 gollem/docs/README.html          |   90 -----
 hermes/docs/CREDITS.html         |   52 ---
 hermes/docs/INSTALL.html         |  222 -----------
 hermes/docs/README.html          |  135 -------
 hermes/docs/TODO.html            |   35 --
 horde/docs/CODING_STANDARDS.html |  818 --------------------------------------
 horde/docs/CONTRIBUTING.html     |   41 --
 horde/docs/CREDITS.html          |  262 ------------
 horde/docs/HACKING.html          |  211 ----------
 horde/docs/INSTALL.html          |  773 -----------------------------------
 horde/docs/PERFORMANCE.html      |  232 -----------
 horde/docs/README.html           |  118 ------
 horde/docs/SECURITY.html         |  283 -------------
 horde/docs/TODO.html             |   35 --
 horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS.html     |  178 ---------
 horde/docs/UPGRADING.html        |  209 ----------
 horde/docs/po_README.html        |  568 --------------------------
 imp/docs/CREDITS.html            |  231 -----------
 imp/docs/INSTALL.html            |  547 -------------------------
 imp/docs/README.html             |   96 -----
 imp/docs/TODO.html               |   34 --
 imp/docs/UPGRADING.html          |  150 -------
 ingo/docs/CREDITS.html           |  157 --------
 ingo/docs/INSTALL.html           |  235 -----------
 ingo/docs/README.html            |   91 -----
 ingo/docs/TODO.html              |   27 --
 ingo/docs/UPGRADING.html         |  107 -----
 klutz/docs/CREDITS.html          |   33 --
 klutz/docs/INSTALL.html          |   13 -
 klutz/docs/README.html           |   62 ---
 kronolith/docs/CREDITS.html      |  157 --------
 kronolith/docs/INSTALL.html      |  254 ------------
 kronolith/docs/README.html       |   91 -----
 kronolith/docs/TODO.html         |   45 --
 kronolith/docs/UPGRADING.html    |  112 ------
 mimp/docs/CREDITS.html           |   92 -----
 mimp/docs/INSTALL.html           |  176 --------
 mimp/docs/README.html            |   87 ----
 mimp/docs/UPGRADING.html         |   31 --
 mnemo/docs/CREDITS.html          |  139 -------
 mnemo/docs/INSTALL.html          |  166 --------
 mnemo/docs/README.html           |   93 -----
 mnemo/docs/TODO.html             |   24 --
 mnemo/docs/UPGRADING.html        |   97 -----
 nag/docs/CREDITS.html            |  163 --------
 nag/docs/INSTALL.html            |  188 ---------
 nag/docs/README.html             |   92 -----
 nag/docs/TODO.html               |   29 --
 nag/docs/UPGRADING.html          |  103 -----
 passwd/docs/CREDITS.html         |  179 ---------
 passwd/docs/INSTALL.html         |  338 ----------------
 passwd/docs/README.html          |   91 -----
 passwd/docs/TODO.html            |   37 --
 passwd/docs/UPGRADING.html       |   43 --
 scry/docs/CREDITS.html           |   26 --
 scry/docs/README.html            |   63 ---
 scry/docs/SECURITY.html          |   22 -
 scry/docs/TODO.html              |   43 --
 trean/docs/CREDITS.html          |   70 ----
 trean/docs/INSTALL.html          |  135 -------
 trean/docs/README.html           |   62 ---
 trean/docs/TODO.html             |   19 -
 turba/docs/CREDITS.html          |  196 ---------
 turba/docs/INSTALL.html          |  238 -----------
 turba/docs/LDAP.html             |  150 -------
 turba/docs/README.html           |   95 -----
 turba/docs/TODO.html             |   21 -
 turba/docs/UPGRADING.html        |  305 --------------
 vacation/docs/CREDITS.html       |  130 ------
 vacation/docs/INSTALL.html       |  227 -----------
 vacation/docs/README.html        |   93 -----
 vacation/docs/TODO.html          |   31 --
 whups/docs/CREDITS.html          |  102 -----
 whups/docs/INSTALL.html          |  298 --------------
 whups/docs/README.html           |  143 -------
 whups/docs/TODO.html             |   71 ----
 whups/docs/UPGRADING.html        |   56 ---
 wicked/docs/CREDITS.html         |   56 ---
 wicked/docs/INSTALL.html         |  196 ---------
 wicked/docs/README.html          |  103 -----
 wicked/docs/TODO.html            |   49 ---
 100 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 14045 deletions(-)


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