[commits] Horde Web Source branch master updated. 8a7767cd49320346a8b36ccd0d96adbdb7b32457

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Nov 28 04:38:05 UTC 2011

The branch "master" has been updated.
The following is a summary of the commits.

from: b1277232f7ccd3806d2ceaa6cbd0f4e72c672abd

a5772c9 Converted from PNG -> JPEG
76c1312 Optimize JPGs
8a7767c Optimize PNGs


commit a5772c926989b93eabee763a44f48adfb47b8a5b
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 27 14:37:08 2011 -0700

    Converted from PNG -> JPEG

 images/screenshots/groupware/portal_mobile_2_0-thumb.jpg |  Bin 20484 -> 11874 bytes
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)



commit 76c1312fdb04c6156e69c5440232c18d02cb9946
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 27 14:37:53 2011 -0700

    Optimize JPGs

 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-1-thumb.jpg       |  Bin 11419 -> 11402 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-2-thumb.jpg       |  Bin 8777 -> 8761 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-3-thumb.jpg       |  Bin 7337 -> 7328 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-bard-thumb.jpg    |  Bin 10441 -> 7438 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-login-bard-thumb.jpg    |  Bin 7694 -> 4645 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-login-bocconi-thumb.jpg |  Bin 4866 -> 4842 bytes
 images/bottom_shadow.jpg                                         |  Bin 1777 -> 1617 bytes
 images/gradient_menu.jpg                                         |  Bin 1819 -> 1663 bytes
 images/stock/iStock_000005059061XSmall.jpg                       |  Bin 71056 -> 67894 bytes
 images/stock/iStock_000011463563XSmall.jpg                       |  Bin 216680 -> 83517 bytes
 images/stock/iStock_000015259420XSmall.jpg                       |  Bin 134562 -> 98550 bytes
 images/synthesis.jpg                                             |  Bin 5517 -> 2659 bytes
 images/teaser_services.jpg                                       |  Bin 8104 -> 8039 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/RIAA-cops.jpg                                  |  Bin 109946 -> 87310 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/skeleton.jpg                                   |  Bin 101370 -> 99315 bytes
 15 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)



commit 8a7767cd49320346a8b36ccd0d96adbdb7b32457
Author: Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 27 21:34:02 2011 -0700

    Optimize PNGs

 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-1.png              |  Bin 123157 -> 109073 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-2.png              |  Bin 81840 -> 71748 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-3.png              |  Bin 62603 -> 53109 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-inbox-bard.png           |  Bin 218450 -> 179642 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-login-bard.png           |  Bin 146664 -> 116813 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-login-bocconi.png        |  Bin 120483 -> 63603 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/3/imp-standard.png             |  Bin 37918 -> 32761 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/blockimg_4_2.png             |  Bin 30668 -> 23874 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/compose_4_0.png              |  Bin 18166 -> 17039 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/encrypt_4_2.png              |  Bin 32897 -> 25928 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/mailbox_4_0.png              |  Bin 31081 -> 28019 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/mailbox_4_2.png              |  Bin 166875 -> 112472 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/message_4_0.png              |  Bin 35789 -> 32582 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/message_4_2.png              |  Bin 31332 -> 23257 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/pgp_4_0.png                  |  Bin 36007 -> 32772 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/torture1_4_0.png             |  Bin 54993 -> 51716 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/torture2_4_0.png             |  Bin 41121 -> 37447 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/imp/screenshots/4/torture3_4_0.png             |  Bin 67087 -> 59793 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/mimp/screenshots/mimp-login_thumb.png          |  Bin 36338 -> 35997 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/mimp/screenshots/mimp-mailbox_thumb.png        |  Bin 37462 -> 37148 bytes
 app/views/App/apps/mimp/screenshots/mimp-message_thumb.png        |  Bin 39296 -> 38831 bytes
 images/easyDNS.png                                                |  Bin 914 -> 873 bytes
 images/facebook.png                                               |  Bin 533 -> 421 bytes
 images/gear.png                                                   |  Bin 485 -> 256 bytes
 images/gear_top2.png                                              |  Bin 11169 -> 7236 bytes
 images/github.png                                                 |  Bin 389 -> 254 bytes
 images/heart.png                                                  |  Bin 451 -> 317 bytes
 images/hub.png                                                    |  Bin 2727 -> 2211 bytes
 images/logo.png                                                   |  Bin 2865 -> 2393 bytes
 images/logos/horde-badge.png                                      |  Bin 417 -> 413 bytes
 images/logos/horde-power2.png                                     |  Bin 1551 -> 1513 bytes
 images/logos/horde3.png                                           |  Bin 4797 -> 4436 bytes
 images/menu_line.png                                              |  Bin 141 -> 91 bytes
 images/monitor.png                                                |  Bin 3001 -> 259 bytes
 images/newsletter.png                                             |  Bin 981 -> 770 bytes
 images/pagination.png                                             |  Bin 671 -> 662 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/kronolith_1_0.png                    |  Bin 63069 -> 46524 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/kronolith_1_1.png                    |  Bin 72642 -> 55703 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/login_mobile_2_0.png                 |  Bin 12604 -> 4942 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/mnemo_1_0.png                        |  Bin 50522 -> 34526 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/mnemo_1_1.png                        |  Bin 91485 -> 66139 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/nag_1_0.png                          |  Bin 52797 -> 37181 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/nag_1_1.png                          |  Bin 60675 -> 46060 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/portal_1_0.png                       |  Bin 163365 -> 113076 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/portal_1_1.png                       |  Bin 171652 -> 122838 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/portal_mobile_2_0.png                |  Bin 34162 -> 25009 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/turba_1_0.png                        |  Bin 61185 -> 42534 bytes
 images/screenshots/groupware/turba_1_1.png                        |  Bin 63461 -> 49239 bytes
 images/screenshots/hermes/hermes7.png                             |  Bin 6002 -> 5464 bytes
 images/screenshots/imp/5/imp5_3.png                               |  Bin 67083 -> 38933 bytes
 images/screenshots/imp/5/imp5_5.png                               |  Bin 48006 -> 38136 bytes
 images/screenshots/imp/5/imp5_6.png                               |  Bin 43553 -> 28607 bytes
 images/screenshots/imp/5/imp5_7.png                               |  Bin 57719 -> 35978 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/blacklist.png                             |  Bin 20739 -> 18423 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/procmail.png                              |  Bin 20634 -> 15659 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/rule.png                                  |  Bin 35265 -> 29282 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/rules.png                                 |  Bin 51746 -> 40208 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/sieve.png                                 |  Bin 22145 -> 17525 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/vacation.png                              |  Bin 16495 -> 14093 bytes
 images/screenshots/ingo/whitelist.png                             |  Bin 18906 -> 16931 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/agenda.png                         |  Bin 23981 -> 23202 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/day.png                            |  Bin 23408 -> 22848 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/h4slider.png                       |  Bin 72602 -> 69100 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/map.png                            |  Bin 137058 -> 131928 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/mobile-day.png                     |  Bin 25660 -> 19767 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/mobile-event.png                   |  Bin 17140 -> 11609 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/mobile-month.png                   |  Bin 41102 -> 29442 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/month.png                          |  Bin 49710 -> 47342 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/tags.png                           |  Bin 27762 -> 26291 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/tasks.png                          |  Bin 32439 -> 31398 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/3/week.png                           |  Bin 33327 -> 32330 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/day.png                              |  Bin 10061 -> 8440 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/edit.png                             |  Bin 77087 -> 66062 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/invite.png                           |  Bin 43876 -> 37631 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/month.png                            |  Bin 88350 -> 77023 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/mouseover.png                        |  Bin 1589 -> 1451 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/view.png                             |  Bin 28752 -> 24848 bytes
 images/screenshots/kronolith/workweek.png                         |  Bin 75442 -> 61716 bytes
 images/screenshots/passwd/passwd.png                              |  Bin 14662 -> 14280 bytes
 images/screenshots/vacation/vacation.png                          |  Bin 24075 -> 21544 bytes
 images/screenshots/vacation/vacation3.png                         |  Bin 20261 -> 19331 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/dimp_1_1.png                           |  Bin 168474 -> 124293 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/imp_1_0.png                            |  Bin 133938 -> 92906 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/imp_1_1.png                            |  Bin 166497 -> 119325 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/ingo_1_0.png                           |  Bin 58263 -> 41337 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/login_mobile_2_0.png                   |  Bin 12604 -> 4942 bytes
 images/screenshots/webmail/portal_mobile_2_0.png                  |  Bin 34162 -> 25009 bytes
 images/showroom.png                                               |  Bin 38832 -> 34596 bytes
 images/slides/groupware.png                                       |  Bin 83007 -> 79227 bytes
 images/slides/h4slider.png                                        |  Bin 83973 -> 79454 bytes
 images/slides/iphones.png                                         |  Bin 51311 -> 47080 bytes
 images/slides/open_source.png                                     |  Bin 37417 -> 36167 bytes
 images/store-eu.png                                               |  Bin 8213 -> 7017 bytes
 images/store-us.png                                               |  Bin 5799 -> 4892 bytes
 images/test.png                                                   |  Bin 546423 -> 464187 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2005-05/screenshot.png                            |  Bin 71974 -> 3534 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/dimp.png                         |  Bin 71537 -> 69476 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/gloudemans.info.png              |  Bin 170248 -> 163553 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/janschneider.de.png              |  Bin 98439 -> 94711 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/obrowser_1.png                   |  Bin 24272 -> 16989 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/obrowser_2.png                   |  Bin 36758 -> 34786 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/obrowser_3.png                   |  Bin 44371 -> 38366 bytes
 papers/bostonphp2007-03/graphics/webdav.png                       |  Bin 185962 -> 149811 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/addressbook.png                |  Bin 47768 -> 44450 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/calendar.png                   |  Bin 31309 -> 28763 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/cluster.png                    |  Bin 26855 -> 22541 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/extendability.png              |  Bin 23115 -> 20809 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/filters.png                    |  Bin 19991 -> 11558 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/flexibility.png                |  Bin 18425 -> 15880 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/horde.png                      |  Bin 24308 -> 15640 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/notes.png                      |  Bin 34985 -> 30771 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/security.png                   |  Bin 34457 -> 30545 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/syncml.png                     |  Bin 18552 -> 16051 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/tasks.png                      |  Bin 31011 -> 27167 bytes
 papers/fisl2009-horde_introduction/webmail.png                    |  Bin 44727 -> 38998 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/bored.png                                       |  Bin 18420 -> 17500 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/excited.png                                     |  Bin 20904 -> 19863 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/presentation_back.png                           |  Bin 217 -> 161 bytes
 papers/fosdem2005/presentation_forward.png                        |  Bin 217 -> 158 bytes
 papers/nyphp-2007-01/graphics/obrowser_2.png                      |  Bin 22197 -> 14995 bytes
 papers/nyphp-2007-01/graphics/package_tracking_2.png              |  Bin 65471 -> 46715 bytes
 papers/nyphp-2007-01/graphics/weather.png                         |  Bin 57479 -> 38429 bytes
 papers/nyphp-2007-01/graphics/webdav.png                          |  Bin 108755 -> 88122 bytes
 papers/riophp2009-application_building/graphics/dimp.png          |  Bin 71537 -> 69476 bytes
 .../riophp2009-application_building/graphics/gloudemans.info.png  |  Bin 170248 -> 163553 bytes
 .../riophp2009-application_building/graphics/janschneider.de.png  |  Bin 98439 -> 94711 bytes
 papers/s5/ui/gear.png                                             |  Bin 11431 -> 5543 bytes
 127 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


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