[commits] Horde annotated tag horde_mime-1.3.2 created. 20e8e91e09d5cb742d496e154a26bdedaaa4b325

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Nov 30 21:41:01 UTC 2011

The annotated tag "horde_mime-1.3.2" has been created.
        at  20e8e91e09d5cb742d496e154a26bdedaaa4b325 (tag)
   tagging  f9d01448a1c537fca4a4e4e308256f57a5916dc2 (commit)
  replaces  webmail-4.0.4
 tagged by  Michael M Slusarz
        on  Wed Nov 30 14:40:15 2011 -0700

Released Horde_Mime-1.3.2.

Chuck Hagenbuch (2):
      Fix an error when creating exceptions to a recurring event.
      Fix setting PUT data in the Peclhttp Horde_Http_Request class.

Gunnar Wrobel (10):
      Add missing tasklist, notepad defaults, continue INSTALL, update package.xml
      [gwr] Fixed Kolab anonymous bind.
      [gwr] Fixed hiding menu entries that should not be displayed to admin.
      [gwr] Fix the parsing of recurrence hash data.
      [gwr] Fix saving Kolab events.
      Add 'kolab' application.
      Add look behind assertion to avoid including question marks in the end-of-url match.
      Add ingo defaults.
      Extended Autoloading description.

Jan Schneider (50):
      Development mode for webmail-4.0.5
      Update ja translation.
      $this->_cache can be false if retrieving from backend failed.
      Japanese translation updates.
      updateAttendees() expects email addresses, not From: headers (Bug #10772).
      [jan] Add setting to use different addresses for Return-Path: and From: headers.
      [jan] Ignore messages from postmaster too when processing mails.
      Add bare repositories for testing.
      Add basic unit tests.
      Use a base class and make Horde_Vcs static.
      Simplify hasFeatures().
      Update file list.
      Hardcode driver names.
      Add basic tests to retrieve sub-classes.
      Rename all abstract classes to *_Base.
      Type hints, phpdoc.
      Attic files only exist in CVS.
      Remove queryDir().
      Return files.
      Use better argument name.
      Re-implement Horde_Vcs_Directory_Rcs.
      Use proc_open and properly throw errors.
      Add basic directory tests.
      Remove unused property.
      Test for exception when using invalid directories.
      Add test for attic files.
      Add a branch.
      Merge branch 'horde_vcs-tests'
      Those tests only work in a certain time zone.
      Those strings return translated now.
      Style, unset http_client from parameters.
      (Unsuccessful) attempt to fix chicken-and-egg problem from ticket #10804.
      Move temperature unit to the actual temperatures.
      Update nl translation.
      New Dutch translator.
      [jan] Update Dutch translation (Pieterjan Heyse <pieterjan.heyse at scheppers-wetteren.be>).
      [jan] Check permissions when building application drop down (sberthelot at emisfr.com, Bug #10811).
      Add note how to set the vhost when running CLI scripts (Bug #10758).
      [jan] Automatically create parent permissions when adding the first restricted comment.
      [jan] Catch exceptions from Horde_Mime when sending alarm messages (Bug #10388).
      Use the ajax framework to save the panel expansion state (Bug #10797).
      [jan] Correctly parse "nacht" in German (Bug #10511).
      [jan] Don't fail on empty CalDAV calendars (christof at buergi.lugs.ch, Bug #10739).
      Fix object.
      Add unit test for bug #10759.
      [jan] Add Dutch translation (Arjen de Korte <build+horde at de-korte.org>).

Michael J Rubinsky (50):
      Fix logic.
      Further fix returning path when loading cache failed.
      Move method to base class.
      Location is not returned by google
      Station information is obtained via Horde_Service_Weather_Base#getStation
      Add the remaining unsupported properties.
      remove typehint/default value.
      Fix making requests when using no cache
      This *is* supported
      Ensure we return a scalar and not an object
      throw exception if nothing has been requested before requested station info.
      remove duplicate case
      Fix scope
      Fix getting forecast time for google driver
      ensure we return a scalar
      Start test suite for Service_Weather.
      Run conditions text through Horde_Service_Weather_Translation::t
      This property isn't used for Wwo
      round the results of these calculations
      Fix returning translated property
      Use the time returned from the request to calculate sunrise/sunset
      Set the station time from the time we already have.
      Don't skip the current day's forecast
      Equality check, not assignment
      Add Wwo tests
      Always return rounded values
      Default to 7 days
      These are testing equality, not assignment
      Add wunderground tests, update package.xml
      Add Wwo_Strings
      Use the ime returned in the current observation for calculating sunrise/sunset.
      Don't test these dates for now.
      We don't actually use $this->_driver.
      Revert "(Unsuccessful) attempt to fix chicken-and-egg problem from ticket #10804."
      Simplify, as Jan did in 3a348cf79f424b01e1fad982c7ec44552c5328a8
      Fix returning icon for current condition for Wwo driver.
      We need $country in _create(), not in __construct
      Don't allow changing units on weather data objects after the request.
      Fix tests for new way of updating $units
      We don't ever need (nor should we allow) __set() for these objects.
      Export the detailed fields that each driver supports.
      Only display the columns for detailed forecast fields if the driver supports the field.
      Don't display 'N/A' if precipitation_percent is set,  but equal to zero.

Michael M Slusarz (15):
      Missing gettext for text
      Better PNG compression
      Optimize JPGs
      Fix undefined error if menu is empty
      This credential no longer exists
      [mms] Fix 'server' credential in preauthenticate hook.
      [mms] Redirect to login page if IMAP credentials are lost somehow during the session.
      Better workaround for broken Horde installations.
      Sanity checking when grabbing the mailboxlist object from the session
      Workaround IE JS lameness
      [mms] Fix setting compose message body on IE 9 in dynamic view.
      HTML editor may not be available yet here in IE
      [mms] Fix for broken 8BITMIME/BINARYMIME SMTP capability detection (Bug #10820).
      Released Horde_Mime-1.3.2

Vilius Å umskas (1):
      Agora threads tree doesn't have an icon.

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