[commits] [Wiki] changed: FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Oct 17 16:51:05 UTC 2011

jan  Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:51:05 +0200

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot
New Revision:  75
Change log:  More conditions where horde_dir might get messed up

@@ -37,8 +37,10 @@
   * You didn't run the Horde_Role post-install script. One of the  
steps of installing Horde through PEAR is to install the Horde_Role  
http://www.horde.org/apps/horde/docs/INSTALL#installing-with-pear. You  
forgot to run {{pear run-scripts horde/horde_role}}.
   * You ran the Horde_Role post-install script, but entered a wrong  
path. The path you need to enter there must be an **existing**  
directory on the **filesystem** inside the **web root** directory of  
your server (aliases and symlinks aside). If for example your web  
server's web root (http://www.example.com/) directory is {{/var/www}},  
and you want Horde to be accessed through  
http://www.example.com/groupware/, you need to create the directory  
{{/var/www/groupware}} and enter exactly that when running the  
post-install script for Horde_Role.
   * You have a correct horde_dir set (verify by running {{pear  
config-show -c horde}}), but it's not correct received when running  
Horde. This was reported to happen with some web server setups if the  
user that is running the web server has a local PEAR configuration,  
e.g. a {{.pearrc}} in his home directory. This local configuration is  
overriding the system-wide configuration for the {{horde_dir}}. Remove  
that configuration, or use it to set {{horde_dir}} manually.
  # You installed Horde with a separate PEAR installation, but didn't  
tell PHP and PEAR where to find this installation. Make sure you  
followed the installation documentation to update the {{.htaccess}}  
file in the Horde directory. If you did that already, make sure that  
the web server is configured to use .htaccess files at all.
+# You upgraded, and you originally installed Horde with a separate  
PEAR installation, and your changes to the {{.htaccess}} (see above)  
got lost during the upgrade. Apply them again, or even better, set  
them in the web server configuration.
+# You upgraded, and you originally installed Horde with a separate  
PEAR installation, but didn't use the same commands for invoking the  
PEAR installer during the upgrade like you used for installing Horde.  
Hint: {{/var/www/horde/pear/pear -c /var/www/horde/pear.conf upgrade  
-a -B -c horde}}

  +++ After logging in the message "Last login: Never" is displayed. Always.
  You didn't configure a permanent preference backend like SQL or  
LDAP. Preference backends are used to store user settings and personal  
stuff like the last login time. As an administrator go the the setup  
screen for Horde, select the {{Preference System}} tab, and enter the  
necessary settings. The {{PHP Sessions}} backend does //not// store  
the user settings permanently. You might also need to create some  
storage resource in the backend of your choice, e.g. a table in your  
SQL database or a scheme in your LDAP directory. But this is covered  
in the [http://www.horde.org/horde/docs/?f=INSTALL.html installation  

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