[commits] [Wiki] created: HowTo/InstallingPEARandHordeWithoutCLI

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Fri Apr 20 14:19:29 UTC 2012

guest []  Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:19:29 +0000

Created page: http://wiki.horde.org/HowTo/InstallingPEARandHordeWithoutCLI

1 get go-pear.php from http://pear.php.net/go-pear

2 edit that file so that the lines pointing to the bootstrap files
(around line 115) become
$bootstrap_files = array(
                          'PEAR.php'             =>  
     'Archive/Tar.php'      =>  
     'Console/Getopt.php'   =>  
This is necessary because of the pear project to github. The new file
go-pear.phar does not include a web interface

3 make a directory that is not web-accessible eg {{PATH/pear}}

4 put the modified {{go-pear.php}} in your web-accessible pages eg
{{PATH/public_html}} and install pear in {{PATH/pear}}

5 copy index.php from {{PATH/pear}} to {{PATH/public_html}} and edit so that
$pear_dir = 'PATH/pear/PEAR'

6 navigate to that file and configure PEAR by adding channel
pear.horde.org and installing the packages enumerated in the horde
documentation: Crypt_Blowfish, Net_DNS2 and Services_Weather

7 install the package horde/horde_role

8 go to the configuration page of PEAR and edit the value of 'Base
Horde directory' to eg /PATH/public_html/horde

9 install the package horde/horde

10 navigate to your horde directory

11 if it does not work, create {{public_html/horde/config/horde.local.php}}
to contain
ini_set('include_path', '.:PATH/pear/PEAR:CURRENT_INCLUDE_PATH');

12 and there you go!

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